Getting started with CoreView

  • Last update on July 11th, 2024

Once you have completed onboarding, configured optional permissions, and familiarized yourself with CoreView's infrastructure, it's time to start working on the platform! 

Here are the first steps we recommend:

  • Configure Virtual Tenants: segment your enterprise into specific groupings like agency, city, or department. This helps with managing addresses, licensing, and concerns based on these groupings.
  • Set permissions: manage access rights for different roles within your organization. Ensure that each user has appropriate permissions to access specific resources. For example, the regional administrator in Chicago should only have access to objects in that office, while the finance manager can only view licensing and service usage reports.
  • License Pools: manage allocated licenses within your organization and assign them to specific agencies or business units. This ensures that each agency uses only the allotted number of licenses. If the Taxation Agency hires new employees, CoreView will indicate that their licenses have been consumed, preventing them from using licenses not owned by them. This encourages an internal "true-up" before purchasing new licenses.
  • Invite operators: create new CoreView operators and manage their roles and responsibilities within the organization.
  • Configure settings: access and configure all of CoreView's options from the centralized hub.
  • Configure Playbooks: select the policies you want to view or create new policies or playbooks using CoreView.

Please note that some features mentioned here may not be included in all CoreView packages. To find out which features are available in your offering, please refer to the CoreView solutions: overview article.