Packaging existing applications

  • Last update on September 10th, 2024

Intune apps previously created using the Endpoint portal have encrypted install files that Simeon cannot read or decrypt. To manage these apps in Simeon, you must repackage them using the App Builder. 

This process involves

  1.  selecting the existing app in Simeon, 
  2. recognizing its Intune configuration, 
  3. and adding the install files directly in Simeon. 

Once repackaged, these apps become fully manageable within Simeon, allowing for easy updates, multi-tenant deployment, and efficient version control. 

Select tenant from Existing Application

In the App Builder,  select your tenant from “Existing Application" dropdown. 
This will display a list of applications already configured in your Intune environment.

Choose the Application:

From the list of existing applications, select the one you want to package for use with Simeon.
This action will load the application's current configuration into the App Builder.

Add Install Files:

Similar to packaging a new application, you'll need to add install files for the existing app.
Click on “+ ADD FILE” to begin this process.

Choose the appropriate File options (Static File, Standard URL, Zipped URL, or Azure File Share Path) based on your application's needs.
Select Additional Options:

Consider enabling Additional options like “Use Simeon Standard Install.bat”, “Automatically version application”, or “Enable Application Install Logging” as needed.

Save and Sync

After adding install files and selecting options, click “SAVE APPLICATION”.

Next, initiate a sync by clicking “SYNC NOW".
Once the status changes to "pending approval", approve the sync to deploy the package to the tenant with the newly uploaded install files.