File options

  • Last update on September 10th, 2024

During the packaging process, you need to specify the installation files for your application

Simeon offers several options to accommodate different file sizes and hosting scenarios.

The choice of file option depends on your specific application and infrastructure setup. 

For example, if you're packaging a small utility, a Static File might be sufficient. For larger applications or those with multiple components, a Zipped URL or Azure File Share Path might be more appropriate.


Choose the most appropriate option for your application's installation files:

Static File:
  • Use this for single files less than 10 MB (repository limit).
  • Ideal for small executables or installers.
  • The file will be stored directly in your Simeon repository.
Standard URL:

For single files larger than 10 MB:

You can use a public install URL or create a public blob storage in Azure. The file must be downloadable without requiring sign-in. Here's how to set it up:

  • Create an Azure Blob Storage: 
    1. Go to 
    2. Navigate to “Storage accounts” and click “+ Create” 
    3. Select a subscription 
    4. Create a new resource group 
    5. Name the storage account 
    6. Choose “Standard” for performance 
    7. Select “GRS” (Geo-redundant storage) 
    8. Review settings and click “Create” 
  • Upload and Generate URL
    1. Once created, go to “Containers” and click “Create”
    2. Upload your file to the new container 
    3. Click the '...' next to the file and select “Generate SAS”
    4. Set the expiry date (several years in the future: once the expiry date lapses, then the install URL will be invalidated and must be regenerated) 
    5. Click “Generate SAS token and URL” 
    6. Copy the “Blob SAS URL”
  • Use in Simeon
    1. In the Simeon App Builder, add this URL as a standard URL 
    2. To verify, paste the URL into a browser - the installer should download automatically
Zipped URL:
  • A URL for multiple install files in a zip archive.
  • Beneficial when your application requires multiple files for installation.
Azure File Share Path:
  • For files that have this format: \\file-share-name (see Microsoft's documentation)
  • Useful if you're already using Azure File Share to host your installation files.