Adding install files

  • Last update on September 10th, 2024

After syncing the Application with Simeon, the next crucial step is adding the actual installation files. Follow the steps below to add installation files.

Locate the application

Navigate to the App Builder in the Simeon Portal, locate and select the application you want to add install files to. This will typically be the application you just configured in the previous steps.

Once selected, you'll see the application details. At this point, there should be no installation files associated with the application.

Add files

Look for and click the “+ ADD FILE” button. This action will initiate the process of adding installation files to your application package.

Select file options

You're now at the stage where you need to specify the installation files for your application. Simeon offers several options to accommodate different file sizes and hosting scenarios.

You can choose between:

  • Static files
  • Standard URL
  • Zipped URL 
  • Azure File Share Path

Visit our “File options” guide for in-depth information.

The choice of file option depends on your specific application and infrastructure setup. For example, if you're packaging a small utility, a Static File might be sufficient. For larger applications or those with multiple components, a Zipped URL or Azure File Share Path might be more appropriate.


Additional Options

After selecting your file option, you have additional choices to optimize how Simeon handles the installation process.

Consider enabling these options based on your needs:

  • Use Simeon Standard Install.bat
  • Automatically version application
  • Enable Application Install Logging

Visit our “Additional options" guide for in-depth information.

Save application

After selecting your file option and additional settings, click “SAVE APPLICATION” to finalize the process. Simeon will then prompt you to run another sync to deploy these changes to your tenant.