Release 21.04 Key Features

  • Last update on September 19th, 2023

Table of Contents

CoreView 21.04 was released May 27, 2021. With this release, we continue our focus on platform enhancements, as well as adding important features that boost CoreView Adoption, Microsoft 36S Governance, and Automation.

Here’s a list of all the main new features: 

Added Management Actions to User Card

Management Actions have been added to the User Card (user information). Now when you open a User Card you’ll see a list of 10 of the most common Management Actions and the ability to see all Management Actions by clicking on “View all actions”. This should reduce the number of clicks required when managing users. The “Manage” drop-down is still available in each section of the User Card.

Top 10 Management Actions in User Card:

View All Actions:

New roles for workflow creation (RBAC)

There are 2 new roles for CoreView Operators – Workflow Editor and Workflow Publisher available under “Manage Operators”. 

NOTE: Any operator who has the “Manage” role and has permissions to Workflow(s) can still execute workflows and use them in scheduling but will need to be given the editor role to create NEW workflows. 

Roles and permissions:

Delegate Groups in Virtual Tenant by owner

A new option in “My Organization\Settings\Virtual Tenant\ Groups: Filter groups by owner” allows you to select if you want to include groups in the Virtual Tenants if a user in the Virtual Tenant is the owner of a group. With this option selected, if a user in the Virtual Tenant scope is the owner of a group, that group will automatically be included in the Virtual Tenant without having to set group filters for the Virtual Tenant.

Filter Users by Group Membership

In the Users report there’s a new filter option for groups. You can filter the report by users in (or not in) a particular group. This can be very useful when used with scheduling and workflows. You can now setup a filter to return users where department=Sales and Users are not a member of the Sales Group. This can then be scheduled, and a workflow created to add users to the Sales Group.

UI update for using Workflows for scheduling reports and alerts

When scheduling a report or setting up an alert, there’s now a button for +Add Workflow which then shows the list of available workflows. The previous UI had both search and “Add” which was confusing.

Create Modern Sites in SharePoint

There’s a new Management Action for SharePoint, “Create SharePoint Modern Site”. This action will create a new site based on Microsoft’s Modern Experience.

ServiceNow Integration Phase 1

  • ServiceNow Integration in CoreSuite
    ServiceNow integration has been moved from the Multi-SaaS Add-On to the CoreSuite Platform directly. This initial integration allows you to configure the ServiceNow connection in the organization settings (My Organization\Settings\ServiceNow Configuration). The ServiceNow Configuration option can be added to your organization’s settings by reaching out to our Customer Care Team. To make this request, please log into the CoreView Customer Care portal and open a General Support Case.
  • ServiceNow Change Incident Status
    Once the connection is established, you will see ServiceNow as an option in Workflow. Initially you can update the status of a ServiceNow ticket. You can call the Workflow from ServiceNow which can pass the ticket number to the workflow, complete the workflow, and update the ticket status accordingly.

Bugs and Tech improvements:

  • More than 50 Bug Fixes and Tech improvements have been delivered in this release!