CoreView Release Notes March 2023

  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

March 15 Enhancements 


Breaking news! Our team has discovered new ways to streamline your workflow and enhance your overall experience in our Playbooks.

First, we've made it even easier to create policies with our new toggle feature. We've hidden the 'Policy Key' toggle under 'Advanced Settings' on the 'Policy Definition' screen, ensuring it's only available when necessary. This way, you can focus on the critical policy aspects and create policies more efficiently.

We've also improved the Playbook Library page load time by implementing a new skeleton layout that indicates the page is loading. This way, you can easily see that the policies are correctly loading.

And there’s more! We've introduced an error message to let you know when a 'Custom Report' with unsupported 'Report Filters' is selected during policy creation or editing in the 'Policy Wizard' at the 'Policy Definition'. You can now select another report immediately without any hassle, ensuring you won't waste time creating policies that don't support the report filters.

Similarly, when you set 'Report Filters' on a report and click on 'Action', you won't see the call-to-action 'Create Policyif the report doesn't support those filters. This helps you avoid creating a policy that doesn't support 'Report Filters' and ensures a smoother policy creation process.

We hope that these changes thrill you and will make your overall experience with our platform more efficient and user-friendly. Stay tuned for the next breaking news where we'll keep introducing new ways to streamline your Playbooks workflow!


Managing your Workflows just got a whole lot easier thanks to our latest enhancements! We know that investigating Workflow failures and remembering all the details of a Workflow's configuration can be time-consuming and tricky. That's why we've introduced two new features to make your Workflow management experience simpler and more streamlined.

When a Custom Policy workflow fails, don't get us started on the number of clicks it takes to gather all the necessary information from the Management workflow panel! But with our new feature, you can now easily find the information you need about Workflow failures. Simply click on "See details" in one of the following widgets of the Operational Dashboard: Recently failed, Recently succeeded, and then click on the Policy Name to open the report. This saves you valuable time and effort, and you no longer need to click through multiple screens to investigate Workflow failures.

Moreover, creating or editing a policy with the Policy Wizard and selecting the Workflow to run as a remediation action can be tricky when you don't remember the Workflow's configuration and actions. But with our new modal, you can easily preview all the necessary information about the Workflow directly from the Remediation Action page with just a single click on "Preview" under the box "Select workflow". This new feature saves time and makes managing Workflows more convenient and comfortable.

We're always striving to improve our platform and make it more user-friendly. Stay tuned for more updates and innovations from us!


Data, data, and again… data! We're excited to announce not one, but three new features that will help you to have full visibility of your data:

In Playbooks:

  • For Tenant Admins: we've added the 'Acceptable threshold' column to our Playbooks dashboard tables. This new feature allows you to see exactly how your threshold has been set to indicate when the remediation should start, whether it's greater than zero, less than 20%, or any other value. Don’t wait any longer, take full control of your Playbooks policies with confidence!
  • For Operators: we've introduced a new column in policy settings that makes understanding the value of matched items a breeze. The 'Total count in percentage' column displays the value of matched items for each policy in a percentage format. This will help Tenant Admins better comprehend the meaning behind the numbers and avoid unnecessary worries. With this new feature, you can view all the data with ease and have a better understanding of it!

In Reports:

  • Keeping track of your Teams voice licensed users' dial-out policies is crucial to prevent accidental restrictions on their ability to place calls and have attendees connect to meetings via phone. For example, unintentionally blocking users' ability to invite attendees with international numbers to join Teams meetings via phone can cause disruptions and hinder collaboration. Additionally, allowing certain users to make international calls when only domestic calls are permitted to them can lead to compliance issues and unnecessary expenses. With the new column "Dial out policy" in User reports, you can know where to intervene to avoid unexpected routing of calls, ensuring compliance and efficient management of your Teams voice licensed users.

We understand how crucial it is to have visibility and control over your data, which is why we're committed to continuously creating an environment that gives you full control over it."


Are you looking to use our cool 'Create synchronized user', but your ADConnector uses a different sourceAnchor from the default 'objectGUID'?

The sourceAnchor attribute is vital to connecting on-premises objects to cloud objects, ensuring a hybrid object has the same identity both on-premises and in the cloud. Without proper synchronization, you may end up with two different objects.

We're excited to announce that we now offer a simple and effective web interface that allows you to easily tell CoreView your sourceAnchor, regardless of the attribute you choose. By correctly create your synchronized user you can speed up and automate your onboarding process.

With this latest update, rest assured that your objects are correctly synchronized!


Finally, our beloved 'Operator Activities' and 'Audit Logs' reports have found a home to call their own. Whether you're an operator with the Audit role for "Operator activities" or a Tenant admin with the Audit role for "Audit logs", these reports are waiting for you.

Previously, these reports were located under the 'Personal' menu in Legacy UX and were temporarily moved to 'Settings'. But now they have finally settled into their perfect place: next time you need to review operator activities or audit logs, head over to 'Audit > CoreView' and check out these reports. And please, no wild parties while they're on duty!

Plus, we have some exciting news - the 'Operator Activities' report, which shows the audit log of operators' activities on CoreView, can now be delegated like any other report using permissions.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition. Sometimes the first house isn't always the best house, but we think we've found the perfect spot for these reports.


Hey there! We know that some of our customers have been experiencing potential delays in Workflows execution due to workload management issues.

To help alleviate this problem, we're excited to introduce a new feature that we believe will make managing Workflows much easier: the "In Queue" status! You can now see this new status in the 'Execution Table' for each Workflow. This status indicates the time range in which the Workflow is waiting to be executed, which can be helpful in preventing potential delays and ensuring the timely delivery of services.

You might be wondering how this new status can benefit you.

Our new 'In Queue' status allows for increased efficiency and accuracy in Workflow management. It also helps with compliance and risk management, as well as improving visibility and tracking of Workflow execution status. We hope this new feature will make managing Workflows a breeze for you!

ADD THE 'Is assignable to role' PROPERTY TO GROUPS

We've added a new feature that we think will make managing Group memberships much easier. Now, when you're adding or removing members from a group, you'll be able to see if the group is role assignable with the new 'isAssignableToRole' property.

It will be displayed in a new column in the Groups reports, indicating either True or False.

By seeing if a group is role assignable, you'll be able to avoid inadvertently making changes to a user's roles associated with the group while simply removing their membership from the group itself.

We hope this new feature will save you time and make managing group memberships more efficient. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback. We're here to help!


New feature alert! Our latest release allows for granular selection of License Tabs in Permissions. This means Tenant Admins can delegate individual tabs and reports to specific users or groups in the NewUX, just like in the LegacyUX. The reports impacted are:

License pool center

  • License pools (License pool )
  • License costs (License pool cost)
  • Snapshots (License pool snapshots)

Microsoft 365 apps center

  • MS365 installations
  • Software licenses
  • MS365 apps usage
  • MS365 active users

Subscriptions center

  • Active subscriptions
  • Subscriptions history

Optimization center

  • Saving opportunities
  • Licenses (License optimisation)
  • License by user
  • Service usage
  • Duplicated plans

Stay in complete control with this new functionality!


We're excited to announce that the Audit report for Sign-in Events has been updated with the Map view! This feature was previously available in the LegacyUX, and now has been implemented in the NewUX.

The report provides a comprehensive view of all Azure AD sign-in events within your Microsoft 365 tenant, and the new Map view offers an intuitive way to visualize the location of these sign-ins.


3...2...1... Lift off! We're thrilled to announce that Exchange V3 module has been successfully deployed!
You won't see any changes on the front end, but know that CoreView is keeping up with the latest and greatest from Microsoft.

March 1 Enhancements 


Introducing the new License Management Playbook! We've packed it with policies that have been crafted from our extensive experience working with hundreds of organizations on managing their Microsoft 365 Tenants. These policies provide recommended practices for identifying and preventing license waste, while also ensuring the protection of valuable data.

Check out the full list of policies included in the License Management Playbook below:

Disabled users with assigned license 

Problem to be solved: As users leave the organization, without structures processes in place, it can be forgotten to remove the user’s licenses. By reclaiming these licenses, an organization can avoid purchasing unnecessary additional licenses. 

Policy description: Finds users with blocked credentials who have an assigned license of any kind. 

Remediation action: This policy will email the blocked account’s manager or a named account to attest within 15 days that the license(s) are still needed. Otherwise, it will remove the licenses.  

Licenses assigned to basic shared mailboxes 

Problem to be solved: Resource and shared mailboxes can store up to 50 GB of data without needing an assigned license. If these mailboxes are assigned license, they can be reclaimed so the organization can avoid purchasing unnecessary additional licenses.  

Policy description: Finds shared mailboxes that have been assigned a license, but which are below 50 GB of data 

Remediation action: This policy will email a named account to attest within 15 days that the license(s) are still needed. Otherwise, it will remove the licenses.  

Licenses assigned to guest users 

Problem to be solved: Guest users may temporarily require a license or may be given one unnecessarily.  By reclaiming these licenses, an organization can avoid purchasing unnecessary additional licenses. 

Policy description: Finds all guest users with assigned licenses 

Remediation action: This policy will email the guest account’s manager or a named account to attest within 15 days that the license(s) are still needed. Otherwise, it will remove the licenses. 

Inactive MS365 E3 plan 

Inactive MS365 E5 plan 

Inactive MS365 F1 plan 

Inactive MS365 F3 plan 

Inactive MS365 F5 plan 

Inactive Office365 E1 plan 

Inactive Office365 E3 plan 

Inactive Office365 E5 plan 

Inactive Office365 F3 plan 

Inactive Office365 G1 plan 

Inactive Office365 G3 plan 

Inactive Office365 G5 plan 

Problem to be solved: Inactive licenses are an unnecessary expense. By reclaiming unused licenses, an organization can avoid purchasing unnecessary additional licenses.  

Policy description: Finds users with the identified plan that has been inactive for the last 60/90/180 days. 

Remediation action: This policy will email the inactive account’s manager or a named account to approve within 15 days that the license is still needed. If approved, it will remove the licenses, convert the user’s mailbox to a shared mailbox and grant the manager permission to access, and add the manager as the new owner of the user’s OneDrive.   

Note: The Remove License action in this policy requires that customer's Tenant has the Microsoft Graph API enabled. Follow this guide to enable the Graph API. 


We went on a mission to find the missing Audit Owner and... voilà! We found it! 

With the newly added Audit Owner field, in addiction to Audit Delegate and Admin, in Mailbox audit, operators can now easily see what actions are being logged for a given mailbox by the Audit Owner, bringing us in line with Microsoft's mailbox audit logging standards.

This means that operators no longer need to use workarounds like PowerShell and can quickly access the information they need, making their jobs easier and more efficient. 

Plus, organizations benefit from this update as they can ensure that any alterations made to the mailbox being audited by the Audit Owner are correctly logged, helping to maintain compliance and security

So go ahead, audit away with confidence! 


Introducing our new User Analyzer tool - the Sherlock Holmes of CoreView! It helps you investigate your user data and uncover valuable insights. 

Our new User Analyser tool provides advanced filtering capabilities and a new search bar to help you gain deeper insights into your user base and make more informed decisions. 

User Analyzer allows you to quickly filter users by predefined attributes such as company, department, and country, as well as insert more attributes from a drop-down menu. With the total number of users affected by each attribute displayed on the left of the filter label, you can see how many users are affected at a glance. This level of flexibility and customization makes it easier to find and analyze user data, gain deeper insights into your user base, and make more informed decisions. 

The search bar enables you to search for users based on any available property, including name, email, or location. With searches that apply across all properties, you'll be able to quickly find and analyze data for specific users, even if you don't remember all their properties. 

User Analyser makes it easier to find and analyze user data, helping admins to identify trends or issues within certain departments or locations and take action to address them. And with the ability to filter and search by specific groups, admins can easily analyze user data for a specific department or location. 

 So why wait? Put on your detective hat and start using User Analyzer today to take control of your user data with confidence. 


View your Reports your way with the new Chart Toggle. 

A new toggle button has been added to all reports with charts, giving you the ability to hide the chart and view the full-screen table instead. 

This new feature allows for more flexibility in how you view your reports. If needed, you can now focus more on the data in the table and less on the visual representation of it. This can be particularly helpful when you need to quickly scan or analyze a large amount of data. 

Tailor your reports to your liking, making analysis faster and easier than ever before.


We've made a small but important improvement to our Playbook Policy Library to make your experience even better. 

Previously, when you clicked on a link to view a detailed report (“Got to full report”) for a policy and then returned to the main page, all the filters you had set were reset, causing frustration and lost time.

But fear not! With our latest update, we've fixed this issue. Now, when you return to the main page after viewing a detailed report, the filters you previously set will still be there, waiting for you. 

We hope this small change makes a big difference in your experience using our Playbook Policy Library. As they say, the devil is in the detail


Are you tired of dropped calls and poor audio quality during your organization's Teams meetings? Say no more! Our new Call Quality Dashboard is here to help you hear every detail! 

With this dashboard, you can easily monitor the quality of your organization's Teams calls with provided widgets for audio, video, and screen sharing. And the best part? You can view data on a daily or monthly basis, so you can identify trends and patterns in call quality over time. 

No more guessing what's causing those pesky call quality issues. With our dashboard, you'll have all the data you need to take proactive measures and ensure that your Teams users remain productive. 

Can you hear me now? Yes, loud and clear! 


Are you struggling to find and copy the information you need from the User Card Page? We've got you covered with our latest enhancement! 

Now, you can see the full text in the Values column, making it easier to read and understand user details.

Plus, you can copy values from the Attributes column with just a right-click.

Furthermore, you can filter Attributes directly from the search bar: simply start typing what you're looking for and see the filtered results in real-time. 

No more guesswork or endless scrolling! With these improvements, you can easily find and copy the information you need to get the job done efficiently. 

Where can you try those enhancements? 

  • User Card > page “Info” > widget “User Details” > “See details” 
  • User Card > page “Exchange” > widget “exchange Details” > “See details” 


Knock, knock! Who's there? Your friendly support team, now available in the New UX! 

Have you ever found yourself in need of quick and easy help while navigating the New UX? We're excited to announce that chat support is now available in the New UX, conveniently located in the Resource Center

With our new chat support feature, you can easily communicate with our support team directly from the application, without needing to switch to the Legacy UX. This means you can get quick resolutions to any queries you may have on the spot, with tailored guidance, avoiding the need for lengthy emails or phone calls. 

As the saying goes, time is money, and our new chat support feature is sure to save you both! 

Note: live chat is only available if you have the “Support” role enabled. 


With our latest update, you can now easily access a user's list of inbound and outbound mails in the New UX, just like in the Legacy UX.

How? Just clicking on their User Principal Name in the "Mail traffic by user" report to deep dive into each user's mailbox activity. 

This feature provides greater visibility and control over email traffic, allowing you to easily monitor and investigate any suspicious or unauthorized email activity. With enhanced mail user activity reporting, you can stay on top of your email security and keep your organization safe.