CoreView Release Notes April 2023

  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

April 26 Enhancements

  • [Management Actions] "Sync User Data" now available in NewUX – You can now manually trigger a user’s Exchange data synchronization from the user card in NewUX using the "Sync user data" action.
  • [Reports] Filter tag now available – We've added a new tag to the title bar of all reports that indicates whether a virtual tenant, report filter, or global filter is applied. With just a glance, you can see if a report is displaying all data or if filters are applied.
  • [Playbooks] "Status" column now in pole position – The "Status" column in the "Current snapshot of matched items" widget in the Playbook strategic dashboard has surpassed all others, reaching the first position on the left! Quickly see if there are policies that are not compliant with the set threshold without scrolling to the end of the table. This is a great victory for everyone!
  • [Playbooks/Healthcheck] A touch of color to bars in Strategic dashboard and Healthcheck –
    The "Current snapshot of matched items" widget in the Strategic Dashboard and Healthcheck now displays color-coded bars to indicate policy compliance. Plus, the new intuitive icons in the "See details" column make it even easier to understand the status of each policy. It's like seeing your Playbook in a whole new light!
  • [Custom Lists] Easily manage associated Workflows – In the Custom List modal, you can now see the associated Workflows in a new tab called "Associated Workflows". Plus, we've added helpful Delete button status and warnings to prevent accidental deletions.
  • [Playbooks/KPIs] How to delete Custom Dashboards and KPIs – We've introduced a new feature that lets you delete policies and KPIs from the LegacyUX. Now, when you're in the Playbook Library or a Legacy Custom Dashboard, you can easily delete a single KPI (shown as a policy) or the entire Legacy Custom Dashboard (shown as Playbook). To delete, simply click on the Recycle bin icon beside the Legacy Custom Dashboard title in the filter panel, the Recycle bin at the top right of the Dashboard page, or the Recycle bin in the policy box. Voila! It's as easy as that.
  • [Playbooks/Healthcheck] Optional Threshold in Policy Wizard – Introducing a new feature that simplifies Policy creation for Tenant Admins: in the Policy wizard, when defining a new Policy, the 'Set Threshold' field is not required anymore. So, if you don't have enough information or can't set an accurate threshold value, don't worry – it's not a problem!
  • [Playbooks] Display name in Manage Exceptions – Manage Exceptions now shows the "Display name" of the item treated as an exception, instead of the ID.
  • [Workflow] Add "Manage SP external sharing setting" action – Actions will conquer the world! The "Manage SP external sharing settings" action, previously only available in Management Actions, can now be integrated and automated in your Workflows and Playbooks. This opens up a world of possibilities for using them in remediations and other processes.
  • [Migration] LegacyUX report buttons disabled – Hey there! We know transitions can be daunting, but fear not – we're committed to making your transition to the NewUX as smooth as possible. As you probably know, reports will be safely migrated from LegacyUX on April 26, while the full portal will be migrated on May 15. To ensure that your reports are not lost during the migration process, we're disabling all buttons for saving, scheduling, and creating alerts on LegacyUX. But don't worry, we've got your back and your reports will be safely transferred. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

April 12 Enhancements

  • [Management Actions] Enable/Disable On-Premises Accounts – We've added a new feature to Management Actions that lets you easily enable and disable on-premises user accounts. This feature works like the "Edit sign-in status" action for cloud accounts. Try it out and let us know what you think! (UserVoice)
  • [Management Actions] Search Bar for Licenses – You can now quickly search for licenses in Management Actions using the new search bar. This feature makes it faster and easier to find the right license when you have many of them. Remember that you can search by terms that match the SKU names or the Service Plan names (contained in the SKUs).
  • [Management Actions] Assign Service Plans in "Manage Service Plans" – Good news! You can now assign Service Plans to one or more users in the "Manage Service Plans" Management Action, just like in the Legacy UX. It's super simple - just choose one or more users in the "Choose target" panel, then select one or more Service Plan(s) in the "Manage service plans" panel. The Service Plans will be activated for all users who have a License that includes them. It's easier to do than to explain!
  • [Management Actions] Edit Title Field in "Edit Users Properties in Bulk" Management Action – You asked, and we delivered! The "Edit users’ properties in bulk" action now includes the ability to edit the "Title" field for multiple users at once. This feature streamlines the process of managing user properties in bulk, making it more efficient and hassle-free. Thank you for your feedback, and happy managing!
  • [Playbooks] New "Recalculating" icon added in the Library and Monitoring Dashboard – Hey there Playbooks users! We've added a new "Recalculating" icon to the Library and Monitoring Dashboard. This new feature lets you know when the count is being updated after you add or remove one or more exceptions from matched items, preventing any confusion or misunderstandings of the system's state. Just keep in mind that during this process, the 'Matched items' and 'Exceptions' badges will be temporarily replaced by the icon.
  • [Playbooks] Added More Recurrence Options to “Run Workflow” Remediation – Who says you can't have it all? With the new scheduling options, you can set the exact time, date, and frequency of your policies. When creating a Custom Policy with "Run workflow" as remediation action and scheduling it with a 'Monthly' interval, you can now set 'On the,' 'Day of week,' and 'Last day of the month' options. Plus, you can select 'Hourly' and set an hourly recurrence, as well as 'Start day', 'Time' and 'UTC', and 'End day'. This can make sure your policies run at the perfect time for maximum efficiency.
  • [Menu] 'Dashboard' menu items relocated – April, time for spring cleaning! 'Dashboards' menu items in Reports have been relocated under their respective categories, at the top, for easier navigation.

April 3 Enhancements 


Discover the latest enhancements to CoreView.

  • Extension Attributes are never enough – That's why CoreView now supports up to 30 string Extension Attributes, doubling the previous limit of 15 (and adding moving the total number of extension attributes mapped to 45.) Additionally, you can view them in your Reports and Management Actions, providing you with even greater flexibility and customization options. (UserVoice)
  • Refactor Permissions – We've made some significant improvements to make it easier for you to manage permissions.
    We've improved the consistency of the experience across all tabs, which makes it simpler to understand the scope of each permission. Now, all tabs have the same behavior, so it's easier to manage and apply permissions consistently.
    Additionally, we've introduced two options to handle permissions. You can enable the "Show all" toggle to grant all permissions, which will dynamically update when new reports/items/actions are released. Alternatively, you can select the "Select all" checkbox to apply permissions to all items, but without dynamic updates.
    Finally, we've implemented a search bar in every tab to make it easier to find the information you need.
  • Apply Report Filters to Policy Queries with ease! – Tenant admins can now easily apply Report Filters to a query while creating or editing a custom policy in CoreView. Select an existing filter from the table or create a new one on the fly for advanced filtering options!


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  • Playbooks – In the Playbook Library, Monitoring dashboards, and Matched items windows, when expanding a Policy box (either custom or out-of-the-box) with an associated Workflow, a question mark icon will now appear next to the Run Workflow call to action. Clicking on this icon will open a pop-up displaying the Workflow configuration and actions associated with the Policy.
  • Playbooks – In addition to the previous enhancement, in the 'Edit panel' of an Out-of-the-Box Policy, you will see a 'Preview' call-to-action that also opens a pop-up displaying the Workflow configuration and actions associated with the Policy.
  • Reports – On any report page, such as Active Users or Guest Users, the left sidebar that lists all created Custom Reports will be displayed or hidden by default depending on the existence of any Custom Reports. The sidebar will be shown if at least one Custom Report exists and hidden if none exist.


Gain full visibility and control over your data with our latest updates.

  • Managing Permissions – In the Operators tab, you can now view all child groups (if any) for each selected group, allowing you to see the hierarchical relationships of the groups you want to apply permissions to. This way, you can easily identify which subgroups inherit permissions from their parent group.
  • Call Cards – We've heard your request and added the 'Export' action to all call cards, allowing you to create a CSV report on call quality and usage. This new feature eliminates the need for tedious copy-pasting.