CoreView Release Notes June 2023

  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

June 21 Enhancements

  • [PLAYBOOKS]New Exchange and SharePoint playbooks are out! We're happy to announce the launch of two new playbooks: one containing SharePoint management policies, and the other focusing on Exchange management policies. For more information, please refer to the articles in our Knowledge Base.
  • [HEALTH CHECK] Custom playbooks now available in the Health Check – The Health Check functionality has been updated to let you view both the Out-of-the-Box and Custom playbooks in one convenient location. By default, Custom playbooks are hidden, but you can easily access them by clicking on "Customize" and selecting the ones you want to view.
    Please remember to set a threshold for your Custom playbooks to ensure that you're measuring their effectiveness. Only enabled policies are considered in the Health Check score.
  • [TEAMS CALL QUEUE] Text-to-Speech Greeting Message now supported in CoreView – With the latest update, you can add a greeting message using text-to-speech in CoreView.
    This new feature eliminates the need to configure text-to-speech greetings in the Teams Admin center and is available for both creating and editing a Teams Call Queue.
    UserVoice idea led to the development of this feature.
  • [TRANSLATIONS] CoreView now speaks Japanese – Say 'Sayonara' to language barriers! We're excited to announce that we now support Japanese. From now on, if you speak Japanese, your experience with CoreView will be even better. Learn how to change the language in CoreView.
  • [LICENSE POOLS] License allocation just got easier with CoreView's list-based settings – With the new list-based settings, you can now easily input and allocate licenses, as well as drag and drop columns for better customization.
  • [PARTNER PORTAL] New Export functionality for Customers, Partners, and Distributors – We've made exporting your data a breeze with our newest feature. The "Export" option is now available on the "Actions" menu for the Customers, Partners, and Distributors pages as well as the Operators' page. With this feature, you can export your data in structured CSV and XLSX formats by selecting the file type you need, eliminating the need for manual formatting. We've also made it accessible to all partner app operators, regardless of their roles or permission levels.
  • [PARTNER PORTAL] Manage Operators with ease thanks to CoreView's latest update –

Our latest update makes it easy to proactively create new operators, modify their roles, and delete them with just a few clicks. 

  1. A new "State" column shows the operator status.
  2. Easily add operators with the "Add new operator" button.
  3. Edit an operator's role by selecting them, clicking "Actions," then “Edit operator” and adjusting checkboxes.
  4. Delete operators with just a few clicks: select, click "Actions," and choose "Delete."