Manage and organize Direct Routing numbers

  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

You can upload direct routing numbers into CoreView using the "Edit Direct Routing Numbers" management action. Within this action, CoreView provides a CSV template that allows you to import not only the numbers but also details on who the number is currently assigned to. By uploading details about number assignments, you can easily crosscheck between your local source of truth and what Microsoft is seeing.

This is the list of the fields that can be uploaded:

List of uploadable fields

Phone Number The phone number itself, the only mandatory field, E.164 format (with the international code preceded by "+" and no spaces, e.g. "+39xxxxxxxxxx") 
Extension The phone number extension, not preceded by any sign or spaces, free text field
Provider The service provider for the specific number, free text field 
NAT/Proxy In case any of this info needs to be associated with the number, free text field 
City The city associated with the number, free text field 
Location Description The emergency location associated with the number, free text field
Country code The code for the country associated with the number, the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format 
Assigned to on SBC The UPN of the user the number appears to be assigned to on the legacy master data 
Blocked The state of the number to be uploaded, if TRUE the uploaded number is not considered to be eligible for assigning to users
Description  A general notes field 


  • Go to “Actions“ > “Management actions”
  • Click “Edit direct routing numbers”
  • From within the action wizard, click “Download template”
  • Fill in the CSV template with your data 
  • In the Edit direct routing number action, click “Upload from CSV”
  • Select your populated CSV:
    • The file will be scanned for errors and inconsistencies, returning a list of data that needs to be corrected. The upload cannot proceed until issues have been resolved. 
    • Once the upload file is free from errors, the numbers will be uploaded and visible in the “Phone numbers” report.

You can then see these numbers on the Teams Numbers report and use the “Mismatch between Teams and SBC assignee” field to find data conflicts.


Editing Direct Routing numbers

Once the direct routing numbers are uploaded, you can edit their attributes to reflect changes or correct mistakes made during the import phase. The only field that cannot be edited is the number itself. You can block a direct routing number, ensuring it is not considered when selecting numbers to assign. Additionally, you can edit the number assignee according to the local data source (i.e., the SBC), maintaining alignment between CoreView data sources.


  • Go to “Actions” > “Management actions” 
  • Click “Edit direct routing numbers” 
  • Select the number you want to edit 
  • Edit the number properties and click “Save”

Once a number is uploaded, it can only be edited through the management action. A new CSV upload of the same number will be blocked by the checks in place for data consistency, unless the number is deleted first. 


Deleting Direct Routing numbers 

You can delete numbers from CoreView if they are no longer available or were entered incorrectly.  


  • Go to “Actions” > “Management actions”
  • Click “Delete direct routing number”
  • Select the number you want to delete and click “Save”

If the number to be deleted is assigned to a user, the action will return an error prompting you to unassign the number before deleting it.


Phone Number Report

The Phone Number report has been updated to include all plan types: Teams Calling Plan, Operator Connect, and Direct Routing numbers. Additionally, it now includes the extra fields available when uploading direct routing numbers. Other improvements consist of the import update, which enables reporting on direct routing numbers assigned to Teams users. This means that even if you haven't uploaded your direct routing numbers for inventory purposes, you can still report on users who have a direct routing number assigned to them via Teams.

Assigning & Unassigning Direct Routing numbers

We have combined the actions for assigning phone numbers, whether it's a direct routing number you have uploaded, a Teams phone number, or an Operator Connect number. You can only assign numbers to users who have a Teams Voice license. Other users won't be displayed as potential targets for the management action. 


  • Go to “Actions” > “Management actions”
  • Click “Assign phone number” 
  • Select the user you want to assign a number to 
  • Choose the plan type of the number you want to assign. The selected plan will determine the filtering on the dropdown list presented to you. It is only possible to select one plan at a time.
  • Select a number from the dropdown list. Alternatively, activate the toggle "Use the first number starting with certain digits" and start typing the number you want to assign. For example, you could type just the country and city code (i.e., prefix), and the system will automatically assign the first number matching the criteria. If you specified a UPN and a location during the upload phase of your direct routing numbers, and there is a unique match, you will see them automatically suggested when performing the assign action.
  • Assign an emergency location and click Save 

We have also introduced a separate management action to unassign a phone number. 


  • Go to Actions > Management actions 
  • Select the user(s)
  • Click “Unassign phone number”
  • Select the user that needs their number removed and click Save