Set timeframe for Audit reports

  • Last update on August 9th, 2024

The Audit section is only available in the Suite and CoreSuite solutions.


One of the key features of Audit reports is the ability to set a specific timeframe, allowing you to focus on data from a particular period. This feature is especially useful when you want to:

  • Analyze trends.
  • Identify anomalies.
  • Investigate specific incidents. 

The timeframe feature is available for all Audit reports, with the exception of the CoreView Audit log. 

Default timeframes

Some reports default to a 7-day period, while others default to a 180-day period. The default timeframe is determined based on the volume of logs typically registered. For instance, if a report typically generates a large volume of logs, it might default to a shorter timeframe to provide a more focused view of the data. Conversely, if a report typically generates fewer logs, it might default to a longer timeframe to provide a more comprehensive view. 

CoreView will retain these Audit records for a duration of 12 months (Microsoft's provision is 90 days). Please note, however, that a tenant's capacity to "revert" is limited to the period since its activation. Consequently, a full 12-month depth of records will only be available one year post-activation.

Customizing the timeframe

You can customize the timeframe by clicking on the calendar icon at the top right of the page. This opens a date picker, where you can select the start and end dates for the report. This flexibility allows you to tailor the report to your specific needs, whether you're investigating a recent incident or analyzing long-term trends.

By clicking on the calendar icon at the top right of the page, you can either choose a default timeframe, such as “last 7,” “last 14,” “last 90” days or set a custom range. 

This screenshot shows an example of the timeframe set to last 7 days by default.
Example of the timeframe set to last 7 days by default.
This screenshot shows an example of the timeframe set to last 180 days by default.
Example of the timeframe set to last 180 days by default.