Tenant updates

  • Last update on September 27th, 2024

When you install Configuration Manager Power BI Reporting, the installer makes the following changes to the tenant selected to host the Power BI report:

Power BI setup

  • Creates the Configuration Manager Power BI Workspace

Azure Resource creation

  • Creates the Azure Resource Group named “simeoncloudreporting
  • Creates a Log Analytics workspace named “SimeonCloud
  •  Creates a Log Analytics data collection endpoint
  • Creates a Log Analytics data collection rule

Service Principal configuration

  • Creates a Service Principal named “Configuration Manager Reporting” with the role “Monitoring Metrics Publisher” on the SimeonCloud Log Analytics workspace and admin access to the Power BI Workspace.

Security setup

  • Generates a client secret for Configuration Manager Power BI Reporting and saves it as a secure variable in an Azure DevOps Variable Group shared only with your tenant pipelines
  • Updates the Power BI tenant setting to allow Service Principals access to the Power BI APIs
  • Updates the Power BI setting to provide the logged in user access to create Power BI workspace

Power BI defaults restrict workspace creation to accounts with rights to create M365 Groups. If your tenant has this setting and the account running the installer is not allowed to create M365 Groups, the account will be added to the group of users allowed to create M365 groups