Additional steps in your import process will import the properties of objects as listed in the tables below. These tables include both the original attribute names and the “friendly names” as they are displayed in the CoreView portal.
For Organizational Units
Name |
DistinguishedName |
ObjectGUID |
For User objects
Original name | CoreView column |
UserPrincipalName | Login Name |
GivenName | First Name |
Sn | Last Name |
Name | On-premises name |
L | City |
C | Country alp code |
Department | Department |
physicaldeliveryofficename | Office |
PostalCode | Postal code |
St | State |
StreetAddress | Street address |
Title | Title |
DisplayName | Full name |
facsimiletelephonenumber | Fax |
Mobile | Mobile phone |
Telephonenumber | Phone number |
WhenCreated | Creation Date |
DistinguishedName | we use it to set the fields: "On-Premises distinguished name" and "Organizational unit" |
Lastlogontimestamp | AD last logon date |
ObjectGUID | we use it to calculate the field: "Immutable Id" |
whenChanged | When changed (utc) |
Proxyaddresses | we use it to extract the field: "Primary SMTP address" |
Lockouttime | On-Premises locked out |
userAccountControl | we use it to define different fields: "On-Premises enabled" and "On-Premises password never expires" |
sAMAccountName | On-Premises sam account name |
msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed | On-Premises password expiration date |
objectSid | On-Premises security identifier |
pwdLastSet | On-Premises reset password on next logon |
employeeID | Employee Id |
employeeNumber | Employee Number |
accountExpires | On-Premises Account Expiration |
If you have configured Extension Attribute mappings, CoreView will import the additional attributes you have specified.
For Group objects
Original name | CoreView column |
objectSid | On-Premises security identifier |
DistinguishedName | Distinguished name |
groupType | Group scope |
Name | Name |
DisplayName | Display Name |
Description | Description |
mailNickname | we use it to set the field: "Alias" |
WhenCreated | When created (utc) |
whenChanged | When changed (utc) |
SidHistory | we don't store it. we use it to understand if a group has been moved from a domain into another domain |
proxyAddresses | we use it to extract the field: "Primary SMTP address" |
Please note that the CoreView Hybrid Connector supports only the following attribute types: string, integer, date, and boolean.