CoreView November 2022 Release Notes

  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

November 23 Enhancements


Create a custom policy from a custom report 

It is now possible to create a custom policy directly from a custom report. This makes it easier to use existing custom reports as the basis of a policy and also provides more opportunities to experiment with creating the ideal report before creating a policy. There are two ways you can take advantage of creating a policy from a custom report.

  • In the Policy creation wizard, during the Policy definition step, you can select Custom reports as the target and then select a pre-existing custom report.
  • When you are in a custom report, you can select Actions > Create Custom Policy at which point you will launch the policy creation wizard and the report will be pre-selected in the policy definition step. 

There are a few reports that do not yet support policy creation including Audit reports, Message Trace and a few additional reports.

Additional Playbook Improvements 

  • You can now create SharePoint related policies since SharePoint has been added as target in the Policy definition 
  • Users can now search for Playbooks from the global search. You can navigate to the Playbook Dashboard or directly to the Playbook configuration depending on your role.

New workflow actions 

  • For private and shared Teams channels, there is now a workflow action to remove users from those channels. This is not needed for standard Teams channels since removing the user from the Team removes them from the standard channels.
  • A new workflow action allows you to set password policies, such as require strong password and Password never expires, for a given user.

Managing devices as part of security groups (UserVoice)

  • Devices are now imported as part of security groups. Both the Security Groups and the Security Groups Members reports have been updated to display this information.
  • In the Security Groups report, there are the following changes
    • Devices total shows the count of devices in that group
    • Members total reflects the sum of users, groups and devices, as in the AD admin center 
    • Users total shows the count of users that are not devices nor groups 
    • Groups total shows the count of groups that are not devices nor users 
  • In the Security group members report, there are the following changes
    • Devices are shown as part of the group 
    • The group member type column reflects the fact that the member of the group is a device, user or group 


  • Mail-Enabled Security Groups can now be defined as a OneDrive owner. (UserVoice)

New UX Improvements 

Report Filters for User Reports 

  • Reports filters are now available for User reports. Report filters have been enhanced by adding the ability to construct complex queries by using AND and OR criteria and by nesting sub-queries with parentheses. For example, if you were looking for all users in Italy in the Sales or Engineering departments, you could construct a query that said:

(Department = Sales OR Department=Engineering) AND Country=Italy 

Operational reports 

  • The following operational reports have now been migrated to the new UX:
    • Service usage Health 
    • Dirsync errors 
    • M365 messages 
    • Service health issues
  • This provides the ability to provide access to this information to delegated administrators who wouldn’t otherwise have access to this information from Microsoft.

Show and execute workflow in Management Actions 

  • On the Management actions page, it is now possible to execute a workflow. If you filter By activity you can select Run a workflow to execute any active workflow. This provides the convenience of putting all actions in one place for delegated administrators.

Import workflow 

  • It is now possible to import a workflow into the workflow library in the new UX.

November 8 Enhancements

Teams Voice Enhancements 

In this release, the PSTN Report has been renamed to the Voice Usage report. The updated report containing call records for direct routing numbers and teams calling plan numbers all in a single report. This allows users to delegate responsibility for monitoring call usage out to virtual tenants and delegated administrators.

Operators now have more flexibility in blocking numbers from being used. For example, if a sensitive individual leaves the organization, the company may choose to block that number from being assigned to a user or resource account for a period of time. The number can later be unblocked and re-added back into the population for assignment via management action. The “block status” can be seen as part of the Teams Voice Numbers report. (UserVoice)

Teams report 

Private and shared channel members report – The private and shared channel members report provides a list of all members for private and shared Teams channels. This provides a variety of uses. 1) it provides the ability to see all of the channels that a given user is a member or owner of 2) It provides the ability to easily identify guest and external users that are members of private and shared channels 3) It provides the ability to review all of the members of a given channel and to ensure each private channel has an owner. This report is coming in advance of a new management action to manage private channel members in a future release.

License Optimization Center 

In the New UX, the License optimization center identifies three primary license savings opportunities -- Inactive users, disabled users, & over-licensed users. However, customers often want to deep dive into license usage and leverage their own inactivity criteria or search for opportunities without setting up license pools. The new "Licenses" tab of the License optimization center replaces the legacy License optimization report and provides robust capabilities for finding license savings and service utilization information.

With a cleaner and faster user experience, users can easily drill down by license type and service utilization in order to identify potential opportunities for license optimization.

Extension attributes as license pool criteria 

In complex organizations, particularly those that have grown through acquisition and merged tenants, it can sometimes be difficult to use standard fields in AD as the basis for license management. For example, there could be multiple users in the “Marketing” department that for the sake of licensing and budgeting do not belong to the same department. In these circumstance, custom attributes are extremely helpful. They can allow for defining and categorizing employees in ways that are suited especially for budgeting purposes. In this release, we have made it possible to create license pools by extension attributes. This way, you can ensure that employees are assigned to the correct groups for licensing and budgeting purposes without having to go through the change management that would be required to clean up or harmonize Azure AD data. (UserVoice)

Playbooks Improvements 

  • In the Public Teams groups and Empty Teams groups policies, there is now an additional Remove Teams group remediation action that can be selected. This allows people to easily delete Teams that are no longer needed.
  • In the Filters panel for configuring policies, there is a new “select all” checkbox that makes it easier to select and deselect the policies you want to review.
  • In the Strategic dashboard, when I click to See details from the Current snapshot of matched items widget, the actions column is always displayed even when scrolling right to left.

SharePoint improvements 

Several new columns have been added to SharePoint reports SharePoint site usage, SharePoint site activity and SharePoint activity.

  • Created By - The UPN of the account that created the site 
  • Created Date - The date the site was created 
  • Template title - the title of the site template 
  • Sites Type - Classic, Modern, Office 365 Group 

Delete SharePoint site when belongs to M365 Group 

For Modern Sites, there is no way in Microsoft to delete a SharePointpoint site when it belongs to an M365 group. However, previously CoreView allowed the user to take this action and would fail silently. Now, when the user attempts to delete a Modern SharePoint site, they will first be warned to delete the associated M365 Group first.

Workflow improvements 

When configuring a workflow action, you may realize you need to create a new execution input. A new shortcut makes it possible to create a new execution input straight from the action, without having to close it and lose any of the changes already applied. This streamlines the creation of workflows.

New UX Improvements 

Add "Active" column in the SKU view of the License pool center 

In the New UX, in the License pool center it wasn’t possible to see the number of purchased licenses for each SKU. The information was available in the Subscription center only. The number of purchased licenses has now been added. 

Export tasks report

We have added the ability to export excel, CSV or PDF from the Tasks progress report. 

New UX toggle for all users

The toggle to access the New UX will be enabled for all users on November 9 except those customers with a custom New UX enablement plan. 

Run a Workflow from a report 

It is now possible to run a workflow from a report in the New UX. Workflow is now visible from the management panel of each report and you can select the workflow to be performed on one or multiple targets from the report.