Release 20.08: Key Features:

  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

CoreView Platform updates in Release 20.08

  • CoreSaaS Integration with CoreFlow
    • CoreFlow now enables you to execute and orchestrate SaaS applications. It can be used to provision and deprovision users’ access to myriad SaaS such as MS365, Atlassian, Dropbox, etc.
  • Hybrid Enhancement:
    • CoreView has also expanded the AD constructs supported. It is now fully supported the possibility to manage multiple domains as a single forest in Active Directory.
  • Custom Action
    • Approval of Custom Action has now been passed through the Tenant Administrator that can review, accept, or reject Custom script directly.
    • SharePoint PowerShell Modules are now available for customer actions, which allow specific actions to be performed on targeted SharePoint objects.
  • CoreFlow improvements
    • In setting up workflows, choices now include dynamic workflows, where instead of asking a simple Yes/No, workflows can now ask complex choices.
    • Workflow include dynamic mapping of input fields, which can then be included in workflows. These dynamic fields further expand the options for workflows, so that as users are added, these input fields can define new fields, like the email username being created during execution as a specific combination of the first and last names input
  • Governance improvements:
    • CoreView now offers the flexibility for Multiple Permissions to be given to a particular Operator, providing flexibility and clarity that is not possible with Microsoft Admin Center. This enables more accountability of the permissions given to Operators. 
    • New Actions that allow to assign/remove/manage Tags are available and can also be used in CoreFlow to create a better onboarding experience.
    • Large dataset exports (more than 1k rows) are now working with an asynchronous experience 
    • The new Help Menu will support the operators in finding the right information in the fastest way, getting direct access to the knowledge base, articles, tutorials, and more…
  • Reporting Enhancements
    • 'Microsoft 365 application usage' reports will give you the capabilities to instantaneously check the activity of your user with the following applications: Office Pro Plus Activity, Word, Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Teams.
    • New Report PSTN Usage will enable to control PSTN Calls performed and keep track of the cost associated with them have been added to Teams Analytics SKU. 
    • The New Report 'Created by' will allow you to track who created an user or invited a guest user
    • In this release we have added "Forwarding to rules" to User entity that will allow you to track forwarding performed on the Outlook client side. 
    • Included in the release there are the attributes AutoReply settings, TimeZone and Date Time format.
  • And more small improvements and User Interface enhancements
  • Bugs squashed:
    • Plus, more than 100+ small pesky bugs have been squashed in this release!