Release 21.05 Key Features

  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

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CoreView 21.05 was released June 28, 2021. This new version includes the following enhancements: workflow enhancements such as “IF” filters on sequences, group notifications for approvals, ServiceNow integration improvements and much more.

Here’s a list of all the main new features:  

  • Secure by Default Option
  • New “IF” Filter in Workflows
  • Edit user properties within Users report (ONCLOUD)
  • Add expiration date to KPI Exceptions
  • Added option “Change Password at Next Logon” to Manage Password management action
  • Workflow: Service Now – ability to update any field on incident ticket
  • Workflow: OU and UPN can now be drop-down selections for execution inputs
  • Workflow: For groups with multiple owners – all owners notified for approvals
  • Edit Mailbox Management Action now works for both on-prem and cloud mailboxes 

Secure Option - New configuration available under My Organization - Settings to mitigate security risk related to Operators misconfiguration.

In an environment with V-Tenant and Permission configured, Operators with no V-Tenant and/or Permission assigned, cannot visualize any information or perform any action.

New “IF” filter in workflows - Helps shorten the time it takes to create and manage workflows. 

Execution filters can now be configured for action sequences within workflows.

Sequences with filters will only execute if configured conditions are satisfied.

Edit user properties within Users report (ONCLOUD) - Operators can now launch the “Edit User Properties” management action straight from the Users Report table.

This shortcut is available only for OnCloud Users and substitute the current side view.

Add expiration date to KPI Exceptions - Operators can now set Expiration Date to Exceptions, when managing KPIs. 

Once an Expiration Date is set, the Exception will automatically be removed from the Exception list, and If the item still matches KPI’s criteria, will be shown in the KPI Dashboard.

Added option “Change Password at Next Logon” to Manage Password management action - This management action will allow Operators to quickly and easily force password resets for Risky Users, enhancing the ability to secure their organization.

Workflow: Service Now – ability to update any field on incident ticket

Custom fields can be used in case any fields are mandatory to update an incident.

Custom fields can now be set within the Change Incident Status action of a ServiceNow workflow.

You can call this workflow from ServiceNow. The ticket number is passed to the workflow and the incident is updated accordingly.

Workflow: OU and UPN can now be drop-down selections for execution inputs - Organizational units (OU) and users (UPN) are now available as dropdown execution inputs in workflows.

Workflow: Notify all owners for approval for groups with multiple owners - Improve policy automation by supporting multiple recipients for approval.

A list of recipients can now be sent in workflows when executing from reports.

Edit Mailbox Management Action now works for both on-premises and cloud mailboxes - Operators can now edit both On Premises and Cloud mailboxes seamlessly. All mailboxes will be available to the user to edit without the user having to know whether the mailbox is On Premises or in the Cloud.

Bugs and Tech improvements:

  • More than 25 Bug Fixes and Tech improvements have been delivered in this release!