License Pools Center

  • Last update on September 26th, 2024

License Pools are not available in the Essentials and Professional solutions but they can be purchased as an add-on.


This report requires you to first configure License Pools


The “License Pools Center” report gives you a one-stop solution to manage all your license Pools. With the ability to switch between various views in the filter assistant, you can quickly identify where your licenses are allocated. It also helps you determine if there's a need to purchase more licenses and allows you to move them to a different Pool using in-line editing. This article will walk you through all the features available in the License Pool Center.

To access it, navigate through the side panel menu and select Reports > Licenses > License Pool Center.

The “License Pools” tab is also available in report-only mode, where you can schedule reports and create custom reports. Remember, toggling between report-only and normal modes could disrupt your custom reports. 


Filter assistant

The Filter assistant allows you to view your License Pools as either “Grouped by SKUs” or “Grouped by Pools”. The “Master data” view provides an Excel-like view of all of your Pools and SKUs with one row dedicated to each Pool/SKU combination. It is possible to perform in-line edits: simply enter the desired value and click on “Save”. However, if you try to allocate more licenses than those available, you won’t be able to save it and the box will turn red.

Grouped by Pools

The  “Grouped by Pools” view displays a pivot table of License Pool data showing the SKUs assigned to each Pool. In this view, everything is expanded by default. At the top, you can select “Expand all” or “Collapse all” to manage the amount of displayed information with a single click.

In the first column, the “Edit a Pool” option allows you to perform online edits for each Pool. 

Grouped by SKUs

The “Grouped by SKUs” view displays a pivot table of License Pool data allowing you to see how a given SKU is allocated across Pools. In this view, everything is expanded by default. At the top, you can select “Expand all” or “Collapse all” to manage the amount of displayed information with a single click.

In the first column, the “Edit a SKU” option allows you to manage each license, allocating them to different Pools. 

This view allows you to edit the allocation of all SKUs in the Pool on a single page.

SKUs over-allocated on Pool

The predefined filter “SKUs over-allocated on Pool” helps users swiftly identify and fix the issue of not having enough licenses in a Pool. If licenses are allocated directly within Microsoft, outside of CoreView, there might be licenses that are not allocated to any Pools. If this is the case, you can click the edit icon to shift licenses from that capacity into the Pools that are low.

SKUs out of capacity on inventory

The predefined filter “SKUs out of capacity on inventory” helps users quickly spot where they're running low on available licenses.

Advanced filters

The “Advanced filters” panel lets you enable or disable a toggle to only show allocated SKUs. In this panel, you can also check off the licenses you don’t need to simplify your view.

Please note that if you’ve created a Pool without any allocated licenses, you won't see that Pool when this view is switched on.


Our License Pool reports remember your setup. On your next visit, your saved report sorting and pinned columns will be displayed. However, please note that unsaved column filters will not be retained.