Set maximum execution duration

  • Last update on August 8th, 2024

Workflows are not available in the Essentials solution.


This setting lets you set a time limit for your Workflow. If the Workflow isn't completed within this timeframe, it will be automatically canceled.

You might need to set a maximum execution duration for a Workflow in two situations:

  • When the Workflow includes an “Operator approval” action without a timeout. Setting a maximum execution duration helps prevent a Workflow from pending indefinitely if the recipient doesn't act. However, it's generally better to use an “Operator approval” action with a timeout.
  • When the Workflow could take a long time to execute due to technical reasons, potentially causing problems.

How to set a maximum execution duration for a Workflow

Step 1

To set a maximum execution duration for a Workflow, choose the relevant Workflow from the “Workflows” page. Then, click “Edit.” 

Step 2

Now, click on the ellipsis “” and select “Set maximum execution duration”. 

Step 3

A modal window will appear, asking you to input the maximum execution duration for the chosen Workflow. Ensure to click “Save” before closing the window.


If a Workflow's execution is interrupted because it reaches the set maximum execution duration, its “Executions status will appear as “TimedOut”.