List of management actions

  • Last update on August 22nd, 2024

Management actions are not available in the Essentials solution.


CoreView's management actions refer to the following categories:


  • Manage password
    Change user passwords with option to force users to change password upon login, generate and email temporary passwords, and set to never expire. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Password never expires
    Enable or disable the option for the user's password to never expire. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Manage licenses
    Assign or unassign licenses for selected users, and specify the CoreView license pool to be used. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Edit user properties
    Edit properties for the selected user.
  • Clone user
    Add a new user account by copying the settings of the selected user, including user properties, license assignment and other details.
  • Create user
    Create a new user account including user properties, job information, licenses assignment and other details. Includes the option to send the user a temporary password.
  • Remove user
    Remove a user from Azure Active Directory. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Remove user from all groups
    Remove cloud, synchronized, and on-prem users from all groups, including distribution, security, and M365 groups. 
  • Rename user
    Change the user principal name, first, last and display name for a user.
  • Revoke user sessions
    Revoke the Azure AD refresh tokens for the selected users. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Restore user
    Restore a deleted user that has been saved in the Azure Active Directory recycle bin.
  • Remove user from recycle bin
    Completely eliminate a deleted user from the Azure AD recycle bin.  Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Manage MFA
    Enable or disable Multi-Factor Authentication and selected authentication methods for selected users. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Reset MFA
    Reset MFA for users, allowing those users to re-register for MFA. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Edit users properties in bulk
    Modify account information for multiple user accounts including job and contact information as well as custom attributes.
  • Edit sign-in status (Block or unblock)
    Block or unblock Microsoft 365 login for the selected user account(s). Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Manage service plans
    Enable or disable service plans, either individually or all those associated to a SKU. Can be performed in bulk for multiple users. 
  • Remove guest user
    Remove selected guest users from Azure Active Directory. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Remove all licenses
    Remove all licenses from selected users. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Invite guest user
    Invite a new external user to your AzureAD directory. After you send the invitation, the user account is automatically added to the directory as a guest.
  • Set portal attribute
    Add, update or remove CoreView portal attributes and extension attributes for selected user(s). Can be performed in bulk to multiple users
  • Add tag(s) for categorization selected user(s)
    Add tags to categorize users within CoreView, i.e. to identify users who are participating in a pilot program. Tags are unique to CoreView and will not be written back to Azure Active Directory. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Remove tags
    Remove one or more CoreView tags associated with selected users. Tags are unique to CoreView and will not be written back to Azure Active Directory. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Flush tags
    Remove ALL CoreView tags applied to selected user(s). Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Manage tags
    Add or remove one or more CoreView tags associated with selected users. Tags are unique to CoreView and will not be written back to Azure Active Directory. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.

Distribution groups

  • Create distribution group
    Create a distribution group or mail-enabled security group, including configuring required settings of the group.
  • Edit distribution group
    Edit a distribution group or mail-enabled security group, including configuring required settings of the group.
  • Remove distribution group
    Delete selected distribution groups. Can be performed in bulk on multiple distribution groups.
  • Remove members from distribution group
    Delete one or multiple users from the selected distribution group. This action is available both for on-premises and on-cloud groups. 
  • Add members to distribution groups
    Add selected user(s) to a distribution group or a mail-enabled security group. This action is available both for on-premises and on-cloud groups.

The search system for adding new members has been improved. Operators can now efficiently search for users and groups using either UPN or display names. Both options are displayed in the suggester dropdown for accurate member selection.

  • Grant send permissions to a distribution group
    Grant Send As or Send on Behalf of permissions to a distribution group. Can be performed in bulk on multiple distribution groups.
  • Remove distribution group delegation
    Remove Send As or Send on Behalf of permissions for any users assigned those permissions for a distribution group.

Microsoft 365 groups

  • Create Microsoft 365 group
    Create a M365 group, including configuring required settings of the group.
  • Edit Microsoft 365 group
    Edit a M365 group, including configuring required settings of the group.
  • Remove Microsoft 365 group
    Delete selected M365 groups. Can be performed in bulk on multiple groups.
  • Manage Microsoft 365 group members
    Add users to a Microsoft 365 group as well as managing owners and subscribers to the group.
  • Add members to Microsoft 365 groups
    Add users to one or multiple M365 groups. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Remove members from Microsoft 365 group
    Delete one or multiple users from the selected M365 group.
  • Restore Microsoft 365 deleted groups
    Restore a deleted Microsoft 365 group from “soft-delete”.

Security groups

  • Create security group
    Create a security group, including display name and description.
  • Edit security group
    Edit a security group, including display name and description.
  • Remove security group
    Delete selected security groups. Can be performed in bulk on multiple security groups.
  • Remove members from security group
    Delete one or multiple users from the selected security group. This action is available both for on-premises and on-cloud groups. 
  • Add members to security groups
    Add the selected user(s) to a  Security Group. This action is available both for on-premises and on-cloud groups. 


  • Forward email (SMTP address)
    Enter an email address to receive forwarded email. Check “Save local copy” to retain messages in the original mailbox. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.
  • Forward email (Address book)
    Select the recipient to receive forwarded email. Check “Save local copy” to retain messages in the original mailbox. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.

For more information about the differences between the two management actions, please refer to this article

  • Add users as delegates
    Select one or more users and grant them appropriate access to selected mailboxes, setting the appropriate type of access: Full access, External account, Delete item, Read permissions, Change permissions, Change owner, Send as, and Grant send on behalf to. Also provide possibility to configure automapping. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.
  • Add delegates to mailboxes
    Select one or more mailboxes and assign selected delegates to them, setting the appropriate type of access: Full access, External account, Delete item, Read permissions, Change permissions, Change owner, Send as, and Grant send on behalf to. Also provide possibility to configure automapping.  Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.
  • Grant 'full access' permission to manager
    Grant Full Access permission to managers of the select mailboxes. Can be performed in bulk for multiple managers.
  • Manage mailbox services settings
    Enable or disable the following services on a mailbox: ActiveSync, OWA, POP, IMAP, MAPI, EWS.
  • Copy permissions to
    For the selected user, copy the mailbox permissions to other user(s) and choose to replace the target users permissions or add the additional permissions. In the first step select the source and in the second step select the target.
  • Copy permissions from
    For the selected users, copy the mailbox permissions from another user or users and choose to replace the users' existing permissions or add the additional permissions.  In the first step select the target, and in the second step select the source. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.
  • Remove delegates from mailbox
    Remove access rights that other users have to the selected mailbox
  • Remove user access to mailboxes
    Remove mailbox permission rights (including send as permissions) that the selected user has on other mailboxes.
  • Set regional settings
    Manage user regional settings by choosing a language.
  • Manage quota
    Specify the send, send-receive and warning quote for the selected mailboxes. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.
  • Create mailbox
    Create a new mailbox including mailbox details, user information, and custom attributes. Add one or multiple email addresses for the mailbox.
  • Edit mailbox
    Edit on-premise mailbox properties such as contact information, email address, organization, and mailtip.
  • Create shared mailbox
    Create a new shared mailbox including mailbox details, setting retention and address book policy, identifying delegates, and adding email addresses.
  • Edit shared mailbox
    Edit a new shared mailbox including mailbox details, setting retention and address book policy, adding or removing delegates, and adding or removing email addresses.
  • Create resource mailbox
    Create a resource mailbox (equipment or room mailbox) including custom attributes, setting retention and address book policy, and booking details.
  • Edit equipment mailbox
    Edit an equipment mailbox including setting retention and address book policy, and booking details.
  • Edit room mailbox
    Edit a room mailbox including setting retention and address book policy, and booking details.
  • Convert to shared mailbox
    Convert the selected user mailboxes to shared mailboxes. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.
  • Remove mailbox
    Select mailboxes to be deleted. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.
  • Grant 'send on behalf' permission
    Grant ‘Send On Behalf Of’ permissions to other users for the selected mailbox.
  • Manage 'send as' permissions
    Add or remove 'send as' permissions for a specific mailbox.
  • Edit mailbox type
    Change a user mailbox to a shared mailbox, equipment mailbox or room mailbox.
  • Assign contacts folder delegate
    For the selected mailboxes, delegate access to their Contacts folder to a specified user. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.
  • Configure auto reply
    Enable, disable or schedule both an internal and external auto-reply message for the selected users. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.
  • Manage archive
    Create or remove archive mailboxes to store additional messaging data for the selected mailboxes. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.
  • Set archive name
    Set the archive name for the selected user mailbox.
  • Manage litigation hold
    Enable or disable litigation hold for the selected mailbox to preserve all mailbox content, including deleted items and original versions of modified items. Includes setting the litigation hold duration.
  • Enable mailbox audit
    Enable or disable mailbox audit logging for the selected mailboxes. Can be performed in bulk for multiple mailboxes.

Mail contacts

  • Create mail contact
    Create a new mail contact including contact details and the contact's external email address. Add one or multiple email addresses for the contact.
  • Edit mail contact
    Edit a mail contact including contact details and the contact's external email address. Add or remove one or multiple email addresses for the contact.
  • Remove mail contact
    Delete the selected mail contacts. Can be performed in bulk for multiple contacts.
  • Create mail user
    Create a new mail user (mail-enabled user account) including user details, the AD login information, and the user's external email address. Add one or multiple email addresses for the user.
  • Edit mail user
    Edit a mail user (mail-enabled user account) including user details, the AD login information, and the user's external email address. Add or remove one or multiple email addresses for the user.
  • Remove mail user
    Delete the selected mail user (mail-enabled user account). Can be performed in bulk for multiple contacts.


  • Remove mobile device
    Remove selected mobile devices from synchronization with Exchange mailboxes. Can be performed in bulk on multiple devices.
  • Wipe mobile device
    Perform a full wipe on the selcted mobile devices, resetting to factory settings. Can be performed in bulk on multiple devices.
  • Allow quarantined mobile device
    Allow a quarantined mobile device to access Exchange Online.
  • Delete managed device
    Delete the selected managed device from Intune. This also retires the device, removing any company data. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices.
  • Retire managed device
    Removes managed app data (where applicable), settings, and email profiles that were assigned by using Intune from the selected devices. The device is removed from Intune management on next check in. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices.
  • Sync managed device
    Sync selected devices so that they immediately receive pending actions and the latest updates. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices.
  • Full scan
    Performs a full antivirus scan on the selected devices. In most cases, a quick scan is sufficient and is recommended instead. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices.
  • Quick scan
    Performs a quick antivirus scan on the selected devices. In most cases, a quick scan is sufficient and is recommended. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices.
  • Add Windows Autopilot devices
    Upload a CSV list of Windows Autopilot devices to be managed by CoreView.
  • Restart managed device
    Restarts the selected devices. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices.
  • Windows Fresh Start
    Fresh Start removes any apps that are installed on a PC running Windows 10, version 1709 or later. Can be performed in bulk on multiple devices.
  • Lock managed device
    Locks the devices and prevents users from accessing. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices.
  • Wipe managed device
    Restores the selected devices to their factory default settings. The user data is kept if you choose the Retain enrollment state and user account checkbox. Otherwise, all data, apps, and settings will be removed. Can be performed in bulk for multiple device.
  • Reset managed device passcode
    Resets the passcode on the selected devices. For iOS and iPadOS devices, this removes the passcode. For Android this removes the passcode and resets with a temporary passcode that is accessible from the Intune portal. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices.
  • Disable lost mode
    Disables lost mode for the selected devices which allows the user to access the device again. The user will be informed about the fact that the administrator retrieved the location of the device. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices.
  • Shut down managed device
    Shuts down the selected devices. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices.
  • Edit auto-pilot device group tag
    Edit the Autopilot group tag for the selected devices. Can be performed in bulk for multiple devices. 
  • Set CoreView Device Tag
    Provides the ability to create a tag for a device unique to CoreView for use in creating virtual tenants by devices. 


  • Create synchronized user
    Add a synchronized user account including identifying information, job and contact information, and custom attributes.
  • Enable/disable account
    Enable or disable on-premises user account(s). Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Create On-Premises user
    Add an on-premise user account including identifying information, job and contact information, and custom attributes.
  • Edit user properties
    Edit a synchronized user account including identifying information, job and contact information, and custom attributes.
  • Enable remote mailbox
    Create a mailbox in Exchange online for an existing user in the on-premise Active Directory. Can be performed in bulk for multiple users.
  • Reset sync user password
    Reset the password for a synchronized user.
  • Unlock user
    Unlock the account of the selected users. Can be performed in bulk for multiple users.
  • Create On-premises distribution group
    Add a new on-premise distribution group including group scope, category, OU, and manager.
  • Edit mailbox
    Edit on-premise mailbox properties such as contact information, email address, organization, and mailtip.
  • Edit On-premises distribution group
    Edit an on-premise distribution group including group scope, category, OU, and manager.
  • Remove On-premises distribution group
    Remove the selected on-premise distribution groups. Can be performed in bulk for multiple groups.
  • Create On-premises security group
    Add a new on-premise security group including group scope, OU, and manager.
  • Edit On-premises security group
    Edit an on-premise security group including group scope, OU, and manager.
  • Clone synchronized user
    Add a new synchronized user account by copying the settings of the selected user, including user properties, license assignment and other details.
  • Remove On-premises security group
    Remove the selected on-premise security groups. Can be performed in bulk for multiple groups.
  • Edit synchronized user
    Edit a synchronized user account including identifying information, licenses, group membership, and custom attributes.


  • Manage OneDrive owners
    Add or remove additional owners to the selected OneDrive.
  • Add OneDrive owners in bulk
    Assign additional owners to the selected OneDrive. Can be performed in bulk for multiple OneDrives.
  • Remove OneDrive owners in bulk
    Remove additional owners from the selected OneDrives. Can be performed in bulk for multiple OneDrives.
  • Pre provision OneDrive sites
    Pre-provision OneDrive for the selected user(s). By default, the first time that a user browses to their OneDrive, it is automatically provisions for them, but you may wish to ensure that OneDrive locations are pre-provisioned, such as in cases like migrating files from another source. Can be performed in bulk for multiple OneDrives.
  • Set OneDrive quota
    Set the OneDrive storage maximum for the selected users. Can be performed in bulk for multiple users.


  • Manage SharePoint owners
    Add or remove one or more site owners for a selected SharePoint site.
  • Add SharePoint owners in bulk
    Add or remove one or more site owners for selected SharePoint sites. Can be performed in bulk to multiple sites.
  • Remove SharePoint owners in bulk
    Remove one or more SharePoint site owner from the selected sites. Requires you to enter the owner to be removed. Can be performed in bulk on multiple sites.
  • Add SharePoint admins in bulk
    Add one or more site collection administrators to the selected site collections.
  • Remove SharePoint admins in bulk
    Remove one or more site collection administrators from the selected site collections.
  • Set SharePoint quota
    Set the storage maximum level, storage warning level, user code maximum level and user code warning level for the selected sites. Can be performed in bulk for multiple sites.
  • Create SharePoint site
    Create a SharePoint classic site, including the site details, template and the site sensitivity label.
  • Create SharePoint Modern Site
    Create a SharePoint modern site, either Teams or Communicaton, including site details and the site sensitivity label.
  • Delete SharePoint site
    Remove selected SharePoint sites. Can be performed in bulk on multiple sites.
  • Remove site from recycle bin
    Remove the selected SharePoint sites from the recycle bin, permanently deleting the sites. Can be performed in bulk on multiple sites.
  • Restore site from recycle bin
    Restore the selected SharePoint sites from the recycle bin, back to production. Can be performed in bulk on multiple sites.
  • Manage Sharepoint External Sharing Settings
    Manage how site content can be shared, depeding on organization-level sharing settings. Includes who content can be shared with, how links are shared, and expiration for guest users.


  • Create Teams group
    Create a new Teams group, setting the owner and whether the group is private or public.
  • Create Teams group channel
    Create a Teams channel, setting the channel as standard or private.
  • Edit Teams group
    Edit a Teams display name and description and also switch access types.
  • Edit Teams group channel
    Edit a Teams channel display name and description.
  • Remove Teams group
    Delete the selected Teams groups (aka, move to recycle bin). Can be performed in bulk for multiple Teams.
  • Remove Teams group channel
    Delete the selected Teams channels (aka, move to recycle bin). Can be performed in bulk for multiple Teams channels.
  • Manage Teams group members
    Add and remove members of a Teams group and also set Teams group owners.
  • Add members to Teams groups
    Add selected users to one or multiple Teams. Can be performed in bulk to multiple users.
  • Manage Teams policies
    Manage policies for selected Teams users. Can be performed in bulk for multiple users.
  • Create Teams resource account
    Create an Autoattendant or call queue resource account.
  • Edit Teams resource account
    Edit the display name of the selected resource account, and select whether it is an AutoAttendant or Call Queue. Note, it is not possible to change type if the resource account is currently associated with another voice app.
  • Assign - unassign Teams resource account
    Assign or unassign a resource account and phone number to a call queue or autoattendant.
  • Free phone number from Teams resource account
    Disassociate the phone number from the selected Teams resource accounts. Can be performed in bulk for multiple resource accounts.
  • Create Teams call queue
    Create  a Teams call queue including settings for greeting, on hold music, call answering, call overflow handling and call timeout handling.
  • Edit Teams call queue
    Edit a Teams call queue including settings for greeting, on hold music, call answering, call overflow handling and call timeout handling.
  • Remove Teams call queue
    Delete the selected Teams call queues. Can be performed in bulk for multiple call queues.
  • Create Teams auto attendant
    Create a new Teams Autoattendant including call flow, out of hours, holidays, dial scope and resource account.
  • Edit Teams auto attendant
    Edit details for the selected Teams Auto Attendant.
  • Remove Teams auto attendant
    Delete the selected Teams auto attendants. Can be performed in bulk for multiple auto attendants.
  • Remove member from Teams group
    Remove one or multiple members from the selected Teams group.
  • Edit direct routing number
    Edit direct routing phone numbers uploaded via CSV.
  • Delete direct routing number
    Delete direct routing phone numbers that have been uploaded via CSV. Can be performed in bulk for multiple numbers.
  • Assign phone number
    Assign a phone number to a user for either a Teams Calling, Direct Routing or Operator Connect plan. Can assign a random number from available numbers and also assign location.
  • Unassign phone number
    Unassign phone numbers from users. Can be performed in bulk for multiple users.
  • Add holiday
    Add a holiday to adjust auto attendants for correct call handling when your team is off.
  • Edit holiday
    Edit a holiday to ensure auto attendants accurately reflect team availability and manage calls effectively.
  • Remove holiday
    Remove a holiday to update auto attendants, avoiding misrouted calls when your team is available.
  • Unassign holiday
    Unassign a holiday from any auto attendant to ensure it can be removed.
  • Manage user's voice mail settings
    Configure outbound calling preferences and advanced call management features such as group call pickup, delegation, simultaneous ringing, and call forwarding for Teams Voice users.


  • Delete app registration
    Soft delete one or more app registrations from your CoreView instance.