
  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

Operators can't see “Guest Users”

If the operator belongs to a virtual tenant, that might be expected. In order for operators to see guest users in the virtual tenant, an additional filter needs to be added. The filter can be either “Login name (UPN) contains #ext#“ or “Recipient type details equals to GuestMailUser”. It's important to note that adding this filter will allow operators to see all guest users.

Please note that if V-tenant has a filter for “Users” set on domains, then a separate V-tenant must be established to enable an operator to view guest users. If not, setting domain filters on “Users” and a delegation filter to view guest users under the same V-tenant will lead to the operator only viewing guest users. Both V-tenants should be assigned to the operator; they will be in a “union” which allows the operator to view tenant users filtered by domains from one V-tenant and guest users from a different V-tenant.


Is it possible to filter call queues for delegated management, and if so, how it can be done?

“Call Queues” are filtered by matching the user delegation filter with the resource account assigned to the call queue. If a resource account is not assigned, the queue will be visible to all users.


Can we use a complex field such as “Managed by” for groups as a V-tenant filter? 

This particular field is not a simple type, such as a number, date, or string, but rather it's a “complex object“. 
Searching within this field could pose performance concerns, and the results might differ from the user's expectations. 
For the same reason, we do not include this filter in the report. Instead, we opt to duplicate part of this object into its own column, namely “Owners“. 
Each time we work with these objects (recognizable by their format, such as containing curly brackets) within V-tenant, we may encounter issues, so it's wise to avoid this.


We have established group delegation filters in the V-tenant, but it seems they are not being adhered to, as the operators authorized to manage this V-tenant don't see the filtered distribution groups.

Please also verify if the “Filter Group by Owner“ option is enabled under “My organization“ settings . This feature filters the groups by the owner, taking into account the filters set for users. Both filter criteria must be satisfied.


Why do we see different results in the “Devices and Windows Autopilot Devices” reports versus the “BitLocker Keys and Intune Devices” reports when a V-tenant with only user filters is applied?

The V-tenant filters these reports by design in the following ways:

  •  “Devices and Windows Autopilot Devices” reports return both devices with and without registered owners when only user filters are applied in a V-tenant. So, in this case, you'll always see devices irrespective of whether they have registered owners.
  • Conversely, “BitLocker Keys and Intune Devices” reports do not return devices without registered owners when only user filters are applied within a V-tenant.

I have created a Virtual tenant settings the domains and group filters under Users tab, but once I applied the V-tenant I cannot see any user. I was expected to see all the users that satisfied domains filters as well as users from the groups with a filter set on Groups. 

The behavior seen in the virtual tenant is by design. The domains filter under Users tab applies to all of the other filters you apply under Users' tab on your virtual tenant: users filtered by the domains filter and users filtered by delegation filters as well as users filtered by group filters.

The expected behavior can be achieved by adding a delegation filter to the virtual tenant on the “domains” field.


How many V-Tenants can I create?

There is no limit on the number of Virtual Tenants that can be created. 


How many V-Tenants can I assign to the same operator?

An operator can be assigned a maximum of 50 Virtual Tenants.