Personalize columns

  • Last update on September 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

This option allows you to customize the columns on the Sync page.

You can customize these by adding or removing columns using the columns drop-down in the top left.

By expanding the columns dropdown menu, you can select which columns to view.

Some columns provide additional information:

  • Baseline: Indicates which baseline is aligned with which downstream tenant. It shows “NA” for a baseline tenant, indicating it doesn't have a baseline. 
  • Authentication Method: Indicates the method Configuration Manager uses to authenticate to the tenant. It specifies if service accounts have been used or if a delegated user is used. 
  • Changes Summary: Shows from the last Sync, not only if changes were detected, but also the number of changes and the type of changes.

Please, note that adding or removing columns impacts  the search functionality.


Sorting columns 

When the “Load all tenants” toggle is enabled, all columns can be sorted as well. 

Click on the arrow next to the column title to sort columns.

Sorting available: load all tenants enabled.

If the toggle is not enabled, sorting is available for selected columns only, such as “Name” and “Baselines”.

Sorting not available for some columns: load all tenants disabled.