The “Partially successful” Sync status can appear:
- When a deployment successfully applied some configurations but failed for others.
- When the user authentication fails, but the Sync process completes successfully.
This article will explore the second scenario.
Partially successful Syncs: failed authentication
During the Sync process, if a user account (whether a service account or one involving delegated authentication) is unable to authenticate due to issues such as timeouts or Conditional Policy restrictions, the Sync mechanism will proceed by authenticating with only a Service Principal. This ensures that the Sync can continue, backing up a subset of supported configurations. In this scenario, the Sync status will be marked as “Partially successful”.

Handling authentication failures
When an authentication failure is detected, you will be notified that the user authentication failed and the configurations that are managed through that user account were not successful. Upon clicking the “Partially successful” status, you will see an error modal displaying what was not successful. These annotations will alert you that any configurations requiring user account authentication will not be backed up until the Sync completes a successful authentication:
“Configurations requiring user account authentication will not be backed up until the Sync authenticates successfully.”
Timeout Scenario
“User authentication failed - Authentication timed out waiting for delegated authentication to complete. Sync again and complete the steps for authentication. Configurations requiring user account authentication will not be backed up until the Sync authenticates successfully.”
Conditional Access policy blockage
“User authentication failed - The user is blocked due to a Conditional Access or MFA policy in the tenant. Please exclude the user from the policy. Configurations requiring user account authentication will not be backed up until the Sync authenticates successfully.”
Troubleshooting link
The troubleshooting link directs you to a page in the Knowledge Center, featuring an article that provides guidance on resolving the identified issue.