Preparing the Intune Win File

  • Last update on September 27th, 2024

This step occurs immediately after starting the new application wizard  and selecting the application type. It's a critical intermediary step that bridges Configuration Manager's App Builder with the Intune portal configuration process.

Follow the steps below: 

If you selected Win32

  1. If you selected Win32, download the empty placeholder file (empty.intunewin). This file is crucial for the next steps in the Intune portal.
  1. Save this file to an easily accessible location on your computer. You'll need to upload this file in the Intune portal shortly.
  1.  In Configuration Manager, click “Continue”.

The next step is Configuring the Application in Intune.  


If you selected MSI

If you selected MSI, simpy click “Continue” to proceed to the next step:  Configuring the Application in Intune