The “Administrative roles” report under “Security” provides comprehensive details about users assigned various administrative roles within Microsoft 365. This report is essential for tracking and managing administrative permissions and roles within your organization.
Below are the key components included in the report:
Role names
Lists the specific administrative roles assigned to each user. These roles can include, but are not limited to:
- Global admin
- Exchange admin
- SharePoint admin
- Teams admin
Assignment type
Indicates whether the role assignment is:
- Eligible: the user is eligible for the role but is not actively assigned until activation.
- Permanent: the user is permanently assigned to the role.
Assignment start
Displays the start date and time of the role assignment. This field is populated only for Eligible active roles.
Assignment end
Displays the end date and time of the role assignment. This field is also populated only for Eligible active roles.
The “Assignment start” and “Assignment end” fields are populated ONLY in the case of Eligible active roles, containing the start and end date of the activation.
Overall provisioning status & Validation status
For users with the “Assignment type” set to “Eligible”, the “Overall provisioning status” and “Validation status” fields may not have values. These fields, which originated from the MSOL module, are no longer supported by the new Graph module.
Is licensed
Provides information on whether the users have active licenses or not. This is crucial for ensuring that users have the appropriate access to Microsoft 365 services.
Role scope
Defines the scope of the role, detailing the specific areas and resources within Microsoft 365 that the role has access to.
Role member type
Specifies the type of member assigned to the role. This could include different categories such as:
- User: an individual user assigned to the role.
- Group: a group of users assigned to the role.
Note: the “Role member type” field can only be “User” or “Service Principal”. Roles inherited from groups are not currently imported in this report, which is based on the MSOl module.
Is-Built in
Indicates whether the role is a built-in role within Microsoft 365.
Note: all data included in this report is refreshed every 24 hours.