Release 20.04: Key Features:

  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

CoreView Platform updates in Release 20.04

  • Unify KPI Template and KPI menu with a select field
    1. When Creating a KPI have a select field to choose between creating a Template and a Standard KPI
  • Create new Report Risky User in Audit
    1. Be able to see all the Azure AD Users who are at risk for a V-Tenant, in order to identify potential threats to my tenant and act accordingly.
    2. Based on this Graph API :
  • Add When Created date and When Updated date on Adoption Templates/Campaigns
    1. As an operator, In Drive section I want to be able to see in the report the following:
      • The creation and update dates plus updated by of a campaign template
      • The creation date of a campaign
  • Additional SharePoint and OneDrive Audit Reports
    1. As Audit I want to access Permission Changes report to track all changes in permissions.
    2. This must be visible in SharePoint, OneDrive
      • Filters: 5 Operations:
        • PermissionLevelAdded
        • PermissionLevelInheritanceBroken
        • PermissionLevelModified
        • PermissionLevelRemoved
        • SitePermissionModified
  • Click on the KPI suggested action should trigger the action selected
    1. As an Operator, when opening a custom dashboard and selecting an KPI you will be able to click on a suggested Action and execute the actions on the non-compliant items shown. 
  • Storage Dashboard

CoreView CoreFlow updates in Release 20.04

  • Export/Import workflows definitions
    1. As a workflow admin you can export one or more workflow definition so that I can import these later in another Tenant, avoid recreating the same workflow multiple times.
  • Execute Workflow on all items of a report
    1. As a workflow user you can now execute a workflow on all items of a report. 
  • Re-execute a previously failed workflow from the failed step
    1. A step in the workflow fails, and the ability to re-start the workflow from that specific point. 
    2. When creating a WorkFlow a mistake is made so it stops on an error. You can then fix the error and restart it from that point with the changes applied. 
    3. Warning: If the WorkFlow is renamed or duplicated it is now a new WorkFlow and cannot be rerun from the failure. 
  • Expected duration – Abort
    1. A User can set the duration for a WorkFlow to run after that time the Workflow will abort. This includes waiting on Approval. 
    2. Set a maximum duration of the workflow in seconds, minutes, hours, days.
  • Nested workflows
    1. As a workflow admin you can add actions to a workflow that allow to execute another existing workflow, so that you can orchestrate more complex workflows.
  • Workflow Editor button (menu dropdown) improvements
  • Allow a user to filter the executions of a Workflow
    1. As a workflow user, you can filter the executions of a workflow by All, Succeeded, Failed, Aborted, Timed Out, Running so that you can better see how many for each type you have.
  • Allow a user to see all executions of a workflow
    1. When the user navigates to the executions history page, the application will load the first 1000 items and display the data grouped in pages of 100 elements
    2. When the user clicks through the pages, the application will display the items related to hat page of data
    3. When more then 1000 items are present of the server, the application will display a button to allow the user to load another 1000 items if available
    4. When the user clicks the load more data button, the application will fetch more data. When no more data is available on the server, the application will disable the button.