Roles and duties

  • Last update on August 8th, 2024

Workflows are not available in the Essentials solution.


Depending on their role, delegated admins can manage different Workflow sections. This article will explain these roles in detail.

Roles alone WILL NOT permit a delegated admin to manage Workflows unless they have also been assigned the permission set that encompasses such Workflows. 


Management role

Operators with a “Management” role can:

  • View Workflow or template
  • Execute, retry, and stop a Workflow
  • Schedule a Workflow

Workflow Editor role

Operators with a “Workflow Editor” role can:

  • View Workflow or template
  • Create and edit a Workflow or template
  • Delete a Workflow or template
  • Duplicate a Workflow
  • Export a Workflow
  • Activate and deactivate a Workflow
  • View, create and edit notification settings
  • Delete schedule 

An operator possessing a “Workflow Editor” role can directly access their Workflows without requiring permission from the tenant admin. 


Workflow Publisher role

Operators with a “Workflow Publisher” role can:

  • View Workflow or template
  • Delete Workflow or template
  • Activate and deactivate a Workflow
  • Publish a Workflow
  • View, create, and edit notification settings
  • Delete schedule

Only Tenant Admins can approve, reject, or delete an approval.  


RBAC matrix

  Management Workflow Editor Workflow Publisher Tenant Admin
View ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Execute ✔️     ✔️
Retry ✔️     ✔️
Stop ✔️     ✔️
Create   ✔️   ✔️
Edit   ✔️   ✔️
Delete   ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Duplicate   ✔️   ✔️
Export   ✔️   ✔️
Activate   ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Deactivate   ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Publish     ✔️ ✔️
Schedule ✔️     ✔️
Delete schedule   ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Approve       ✔️
Reject       ✔️
Delete approval       ✔️