Playbook tabs: overview

  • Last update on August 5th, 2024

For CoreSuite, Suite, Enterprise, and Professional offerings

Please be aware that, within each Playbook tab, the dashboard view can only be accessed by Tenant Admins, and, given the appropriate permissions, by Playbook Admins and Global Viewers. Playbook Managers are restricted to accessing the list view of the Playbooks for which they have viewing permissions.


Playbook list view 

In this section, both Tenant Admins and Playbook Admins, granted they have the necessary permissions, can manage their Playbooks. Every Playbook can be selected from the header. Playbook Managers, provided they have the suitable permissions, can access the list view but in a read-only mode.

Information widgets

Located above the Playbook list, you will find three informative widgets:

  • License management: this widget shows the overall policy compliance score as a percentage.
  • Require attention: this indicates the number of policies that need to be reviewed.
  • Compliant policies: this displays the count of compliant policies within the selected Playbook.

By clicking on a widget, you can filter the view to focus on managing specific categories of policies.

Filter Assistant

On the left side, a Filter Assistant is available to help you select the policies you wish to view. You can filter these policies based on their configuration settings (remediation and policy statuses) or according to their category.

Playbook dashboards

Strategic view

When you choose the “Strategic” option for a Playbook dashboard, you will have visibility of the strategic widgets related to the selected Playbook. These are:

  • Playbook score
  • Matched items over time
  • Corrective action over time
  • Playbook summary
  • Current snapshot of matched items
  • Remediation history
  • Potential monthly time saving
  • Historical time saving

The Strategic view serves as a comprehensive log of Playbook actions performed across multiple weeks or months. It is particularly useful for setting strategic objectives and monitoring progress toward achieving them.

Operational view

When you choose the “Operational” option for a Playbook dashboard, you will have visibility of the operational widgets related to the selected Playbook. These are:

  • Policy compliance
  • Remediation progress by policy
  • Recently failed workflow
  • Recently succeeded workflow
  • Top 3 policies with most exceptions

These widgets offer valuable insights into the various operations performed by the playbook, including the number of times a policy has been remediated, the number of exceptions managed and validated, and those that have not been addressed. By leveraging these metrics, users can better understand the Playbook's effectiveness and refine their strategy accordingly.

All widgets

When you choose the “All widgets” option for a Playbook dashboard, you will have visibility of both Strategic and Operational widgets.

By default, the filter is always set to “All widgets”.

Once you apply any of these views, the filter's result is user-specific, meaning only you will see the page with the applied filter. This view is exclusive to the tab you're currently on. If you change the tab or navigate away from the page, the filter will be removed.