Hide sensitive data

  • Last update on August 26th, 2024

When the “Hide sensitive data” option is enabled in Settings under “Organization settings”, the User Principal Name (UPN) in User reports is hidden, thereby concealing the identity of the individual.

Furthermore, the following statistical data will not be available for users:

  • SharePointActivityActiveFiles30
  • SharePointActivityFilesSynced30
  • SharePointActivityFilesSharedInternally30
  • SharePointActivityFilesSharedExternally30
  • OneDriveActivityActiveFiles30
  • OneDriveActivityFilesSynced30
  • OneDriveActivityFilesSharedInternally30
  • OneDriveActivityFilesSharedExternally30
  • OneDriveSiteUsageFilesViewedOrEdited30
  • MailMac30
  • OutlookMobile30
  • OutlookMac30
  • OutlookWeb30
  • OutlookWin30
  • Smtp30
  • Imap30
  • Pop30
  • EmailRead30
  • EmailReceived30
  • EmailSent30
  • EmailSize30
  • EmailAvgSize30
  • TeamsChannelMessages30
  • TeamsChatMessages30
  • TeamsCalls30
  • TeamsMeetings30
  • TeamsMeetingsOrganized30
  • TeamsScheduledRecurringMeetingsOrganized30
  • TeamsScheduledRecurringMeetingsAttended30
  • TeamsTotalAudioMinutes30
  • TeamsTotalVideoMinutes30
  • TeamsTotalScreenSharedMinutes30
  • VivaEngageMessageCreated30
  • VivaEngageMessageLiked30
  • VivaEngageMessageViewed30
  • VivaEngageMessageTotal30
  • VivaEngageDeviceWeb30
  • VivaEngageDeviceWindowsPhone30
  • VivaEngageDeviceIPhone30
  • VivaEngageDeviceIPad30
  • VivaEngageDeviceAndroid30
  • VivaEngageDeviceOther30

These statistics represent data from the last 30 days. For example, “EmailRead” refers to the number of emails read in the last 30 days by the user.