Uninstall Azure SQL

  • Last update on September 18th, 2024

Prior to August 2023, Power BI read from Azure SQL. It is now recommended to remove Azure SQL in favor of Log Analytics for Simeon Cloud Power BI reports.

Follow the steps below to remove Azure SQL and prepare for Log Analytics integration.

Step 1: resource cleanup in Azure Portal

  1. Navigate to portal.microsoft.com > Resource groups 
  2. Delete the resource group named “SimeonCloudReporting” 
  3. If Log Analytics is already installed, ensure you delete these specific resources:
    • simeoncloudreporting-tenantname SQL Server 
    • SimeonCloud SQL database

Step 2: remove App registration

  1. Go to portal.microsoft.com > App registrations 
  2. Locate and delete the app named “Simeon Cloud Power BI Reporting

Step 3: Power BI cleanup

In Power BI, find and remove the dataset and report named “Simeon Sync”

Step 4: update Azure DevOps library

  1. Navigate to DevOps > Tenants > Pipelines > Library > Variable Groups > Sync 
  2. Remove the following variables: 
    • SQLAzureAppId 
    • SQLAzureAppSecret 
    • SQLAzureServerAdminPassword 
    • SQLAzureServerAdminUserName 
    • SQLAzureServerName 
    • SQLAzureTenant

Step 5: Reinstall Power BI reporting

After completing the above steps, you can reinstall Power BI Reporting to transition to the Log Analytics workspace.