Actions for changes in Reconcile

  • Last update on August 21st, 2024

In addition to comparing results, Reconcile provides tools to make changes to your configurations
Changes are then deployed from a baseline/downstream tenant to another baseline/downstream tenant.

Where can I perform the actions?

Actions can be performed in two areas: the comparison results list and the search bar.

What actions are available?

The actions vary depending on the section.
You can perform actions to change the configurations using the purple checkboxes. Actions can be performed at both the Configuration Type level and the individual configuration level.

Actions can be performed both at “Configuration Type” and “Configuration” levels. 

Be careful! The actions to perform behave differently in each section.


 If you hover over the checkboxes, you will see the available actions for that status.

Hovering over the checkbox will show the available actions.

Additionally, for some sections, there are extra actions available under “Advanced Options”.

Example of Advances Options available in some sections. 

Here is an overview of the available actions for each section:

Note regarding the names of the tenants

For readability reasons, we will call:

  • downstream tenant: the tenant we want to compare
  • baseline tenant: the tenant chosen for comparison
Visual representation of where the tenant we want to compare and the tenant we are comparing it to are located.

However, the various comparison options presented in the article Set what to compare remain valid.

Section  Actions available
Only in
  • Maintain a Configuration Type or an individual configuration in the downstream tenant
  • Remove a Configuration Type or an individual configuration from the downstream tenant
  • Move a configuration to the associated baseline tenant
  • Copy a configuration to another downstream tenant
Available from 
  • Add a Configuration Type or an individual configuration to the downstream tenant
  • Exclude a Configuration Type or an individual configuration from the downstream tenant
Conflicting with
  • Maintain a Configuration Type or an individual configuration as it is in the downstream tenant
  • Apply the Configuration Type or individual configuration as it is in the baseline tenant
  • Move a configuration to the associated baseline
  • Copy a configuration to another downstream tenant
  • Maintain a Configuration Type or an individual configuration in the downstream
  • Remove a Configuration Type or an individual configuration from the downstream tenant

Can I deploy a configuration to multiple downstream tenants simultaneously?

Yes, it is possible to deploy a configuration to multiple downstream tenants from the associated baseline tenant. Read the tutorial for instructions.

When are the changes applied?

The changes are applied after clicking “Reconcile”, reviewing and confirming your selection, and starting a Sync. The changes will take effect after the next Sync.