Get started with App Builder

  • Last update on September 18th, 2024

App Builder is a tool within Simeon designed to simplify the management of Windows Intune applications. It addresses limitations in Intune's native functionality by allowing you to package an application once, store a copy in your baseline repository, and deploy it easily to all of your tenants. 

Using App Builder, you can update your applications once and deploy the updates and patches to all of your tenants simultaneously. This centralized management approach saves time and ensures consistency across your entire environment. 

In Simeon Cloud, you have the possibility to:

Once an app has been packaged using Simeon, you can view and manage it on Reconcile like any other configuration, integrating it seamlessly into your existing management workflows.

Why use the App Builder?

App Builder exists to solve specific challenges with Intune's application packaging:

  • In Intune, install files and resources become encrypted within the tenant.
  • Encrypted packages can't be read back using Microsoft's APIs.
  • Recreating the same package in another tenant or managing it centrally is not possible through Intune alone.

App Builder overcomes these limitations by capturing necessary files during the Intune packaging process and storing them in a Simeon repository, enabling application management in all your desired tenants.



For single-tenant users, App Builder creates backups of configured applications, allowing for application recreation without repeating the Intune packaging process. It also enables management of Windows applications outside of Intune, providing additional flexibility.

Multi-tenant users, such as MSPs, can package an application once for deployment across multiple tenants. App Builder facilitates centralized update management and provides a repository for packaged applications within Simeon, streamlining the management of applications across numerous client environments.


Supported applications

App Builder is designed specifically for Windows applications. It's important to note that it's not a complete Intune replacement, but rather a specialized tool for this particular use case. 

Currently, App Builder does not support Mac applications, or non-Windows applications.


Using App Builder

To begin using App Builder, follow the step-by-step process to configure a new application or an existing one.

The workflow should be as follows:

  1. Navigate to App Builder within the Simeon Portal and select your target tenant 
  2. Use the New Application Wizard to package an application and prepare the Intune file
  3. Follow the step-by-step process to configure the application in Intune 
  4. Sync and add installation files to Simeon after initial configuration 
  5. Once packaged, deploy the application to desired tenants