Interface and navigation

  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

Interface and navigation overview of the CoreView Partner App

The CoreView Partner App is a powerful tool designed to streamline and enhance the management of your customers, templates, invoices, and operators. As a partner, you can manage multiple tenants, configure and deploy settings across these tenants, view real-time information about onboarded organizations, and manage access to the Partner App. 

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the interface and navigation of the Partner App, enhancing your understanding and utilization of the app.


After you log in, the “Get Started” widget on the homepage presents shortcuts tailored to your product (SKU) and role. These shortcuts will help you begin using CoreView with ease.

Please note that some features or pages are only accessible to certain types of partners. Specifically, the “Manage” and “Templates” categories are available only for MSPs.


The main menu consists of four categories: “Manage”, “Templates”, “Invoice”, and “Settings”.


The “Manage” category contains the “Customers” page, which is exclusively available to MSPs. This page hosts the list of customers onboarded as MSPs. Here, you can view information about the assigned CoreView SKU, the configuration templates, and execute actions such as changing customer settings and configurations.

This is a preview feature and is exclusively available to MSPs.



The “Templates” section contains the “Configuration templates” page.  Here, you can configure, manage, and deploy sets on multiple tenants.

This is a preview feature and is exclusively available to MSPs.



In the “Invoice” tab, you can view different customers. The “Invoice” section contains the following pages:

  • Customers”, “Partners”, and “Distributors”: these pages display real-time information about the onboarded organizations, the number of seats per tenant, the expiry date, and the SKUs purchased. The availability of these pages is based on the organization type:
    • Partners: can view the “Customers” page.
    • Distributors: can view both “Partners” and “Customers” pages.


In this section, you can manage the operators. The “Operators” page allows Partner portal admins to manage who can access the Partner App and assign user roles. The “Operators” tab shows all operators with access to the Partner App and their roles.