Import and export permissions

  • Last update on September 27th, 2024

Permissions are not available in the Essentials solution.


Importing and exporting permissions in .json format can be beneficial for several reasons:

  • To create a backup of your current settings. 
  • If you manage multiple systems or environments (like testing, staging, and production), you can export permissions from one and import them into another. This ensures consistency across environments.
  • For analysis purposes. 


To export a “Permission Set” you have two different options:

Method 1: select the “Permission Set” you wish to export by either checking it or by selecting the related row. This method enables you to export one or multiple items simultaneously.
Method 2: select the “Export” functionality in the “Actions” column. This method allows for the export of a single item at a time.

Method 1 Export one or more Permission Sets

This method enables you to export one or multiple items simultaneously.

  1. Select one or more items by checking them from the list or by clicking each row.
  2. Select “Export” at the top right of the screen. 
This screenshot shows the Export functionality (multiple selection)
Export functionality (multiple selection or single item)

Your exported file (.json format) will appear in your browser downloads. 

Method 2 Export one Permission Set at a time

This method allows for the export of a single item at a time.

  1. Select the desired item from the checklist or by clicking on the desired row.
  2. Click the three dots appearing under the “Actions” column.
  3. Select “Export” at the top right of the screen.
This screenshot shows the Export functionality (single selection))
Export functionality (single item)

Your exported file will appear in your downloads. 


To “Import” a “Permission Set” (.json):

  1. Click “Import” at the top far right of the screen. If items are selected, the functionality will not appear. 
  2. Select the file (.json) you wish to import and click “Open”.
Import functionality
Select Permission Set to import.

The file will be successfully imported.