
  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

Is it possible to edit the request message for a Predefined Policy playbook?

No, it is not possible to modify the request message for a Predefined Policy playbook. However, you can create a custom policy and set up a custom message for your specific needs. This will allow you to tailor the message to fit the context of your use case.


What role do I need to create a custom policy?

To create a custom policy in CoreView, you need to have the Tenant Admin role.


Can you select a historical data point and see the data from that time in the Matched Items Over Time widget from a playbook?

No, we capture the number of matched events each month, but there is no historical snapshot of the data itself. It is only possible to see the number of matched events from previous months. For example, it can be said that 6 months ago there were 32 empty teams, but it is not possible to see which teams were empty at that time.


Why there're no matched items over time present in my playboooks?

This is to be expected for newly created playbooks. The explanation is provided in the “i“ icon next to “Match Items Over time“: “Allows you to see progress or compare snapshot of matched items by policy that is captured at the end of each month“.


How to set a playbook policy as public?

To set a playbook policy as public, you need to click on “Manage Playbook”, then select “See Details“ for the individual playbook policy, and enable the “Set as Public” option.