Adding a read-only user to Configuration Manager

  • Last update on September 26th, 2024

Users with read-only permissions can view all information in Configuration Manager but cannot make changes on Reconcile or start or approve Syncs. 

To add a user as read-only, do the following:

Step 1: open Azure DevOps

Navigate to Azure DevOps

Step 2: create the user

Select “Organization Settings” > “Users” > “Add Users

  • Add the user's emailManage permissions
  • Access level set to “Basic” 
  • Under “Add to Projects” select “Tenants
  • Under “Azure DevOps Groups” select “Project Readers

Step 3: check the Readers group

Ensure the Readers group has appropriate access to the DevOps service connections

  • Navigate to Azure DevOps
  • Select the project containing the desired tenants > “Project Settings” > “Service connections

Do the following for BOTH simeoncloud and simeoncloud-packages:

  • Click the three dots in the top right corner > “Security
  • Ensure the [Tenants]\Readers group is added with User-level access.