Release 20.09 Key Features

  • Last update on July 27th, 2024

Released October 22, 2020 20.09 release improves governance in Microsoft 365 and allows for more granular management and admin delegation by the following new features:

Improved Governance [CoreAdmin, CoreReporting]

  • KPI Dashboard now includes KPI Score that allows the complete customization of the KPI and Custom Dashboards.
  • In addition to the Asynchronous exports released previously, now exports for thousands of pieces of data can be achieved in a few seconds upon Export to CSV.It indicates that is going to replace the XSL exports providing flexibility for predictable and fast access.
  • Who added this Subscription? What is the Purchase Order? Now with the new CoreView Metadata added in the Subscription History report you will able to save that information and more with the Note linked to a Subscription. This metadata provided by CoreView only allow a user to save additional information to their MS 365 that will save the time spent on searching this information through emails or asking subsidiaries or external agency. 
  • Newly added to the Distribution group configuration are the Delivery Management and Message Approval sections. These sections enable setting an approval process for a distribution group and define who can send messages to this distribution group. Either or both restrictions can be utilized. 
  • Do you want your user to be able to see only a certain group of Addresses? CoreView can now manage and view the Address book policy provided in M365 and enables those policies to be set up with a preferred policy for each Mailbox. 
  • Do you want to track down M365 usage across your user? Do you want to see if your users are using all the E5 apps? Now Microsoft 365 App usage report provides this information, such as when was the last time a particular user used a particular M365 app. This is an enhancement from Microsoft reports which does not differentiate between the last usage from a desktop app or a browser or another client device. 
  • Teams Policies management has been added to the CoreView portal, now you can create and assign Teams Policies to keep track of the features that Teams provides to the user into your organization. You will be able to assign policies to a single user, groups of users, or integrate it into a Workflow, i.e. in the Onboarding of a User. 

Microsoft Teams [CoreTeamsAnalytics]

  • CoreTeams Analytics allows the Operator and administrator to get the most information out of the Teams Usage with advanced reporting for the call quality (through MS Teams or standard PSTN). Now we added two new reports that provide Call Queuesand Auto Attendants information and give the capabilities to edit, create, and delete directly from one single place.

Security [CoreSecurity]

  • CoreSecurity tracks sign-in events into M365 – those events provided by Microsoft not always contain the User Principal Name, instead it gives the operator a technical identifier that makes it difficult to link a possible threat to a specific user and slow a possible acknowledgment or resolution. CoreView enhances Audit data by automatically detecting the UPN from the Object and retrieve additional properties like Department, Country, etc. giving the operators the information in the real time linking it to the proper user, so they could remediate if it is necessary.

Bugs squashed: 

  • Plus, more than 100+ small pesky bugs have been squashed in this release!