Uninstall Log Analytics

  • Last update on September 27th, 2024

Power BI Reporting installed after August 2023 reads from a Log Analytics workspace by default. 

To remove Power BI Reporting with Log Analytics, follow the steps below. 

Step 1: resource group deletion

  1. Navigate to portal.microsoft.com > Resource groups 
  2. Locate and delete the resource group named simeoncloudreporting

Step 2: remove Service Principal

  1. Go to portal.microsoft.com > Enterprise applications 
  2. Find and delete the Service Principal named Simeon Cloud Reporting

Step 3: update Azure DevOps Library

  1. Access DevOps > Tenants > Pipelines > Library > Variable Groups > Sync 
  2. Remove the following variables: 
    • LogAnalyticsResourceId 
    • LogAnalyticsEndpointUrl 
    • SimeonSyncIntegrationTenant 
    • SimeonSyncIntegrationAppSecret 
    • SimeonSyncIntegrationAppId