Changes to migrated KPIs

  • Last update on March 19th, 2024

If your KPIs were migrated during the transition from LegacyUX to NewUX, please read the following article to understand what changes have been made to their management.

Please keep in mind that:

  • Custom dashboards migrated from LegacyUX are the equivalent of custom playbooks in NewUX
  • KPIs migrated from LegacyUX are the equivalent of policies in NewUX
  1. KPIs that have been converted into playbooks do not support the implementation and execution of any remediation actions.
  2. For this reason, the charts in the Strategic dashboard will not display any information about:
    • Workflow history
    • Corrective actions over time
    • Historical time-saving
  3. The same applies to the “Operational dashboard”, where the following action boxes will not be shown:
    • Scheduled remediation for the next 7 days
    • Workflow progress by policy
    • Recently failed workflows
    • Recently succeeded workflows
  4. The policies listed within the Monitoring dashboard section are tagged as Legacy KPI”, indicating that LegacyUX KPIs have been converted into playbook policies in the NewUX.
  5. In the configuration of Legacy KPIs, it was possible to set up two thresholds to identify three different states:
    • Compliance
    • Warning
    • Alert

However, in the migration to playbook policies, only green values are considered compliant, while exceeding both the warning (orange) and alert (red) thresholds of the LegacyUX is considered non-compliant.

  1. Legacy KPIs that have been converted into playbooks cannot be edited, but only deleted. If you require remediation, you will most likely need to recreate them. However, if you are only interested in the information provided by the Monitoring, Strategic, and Operational dashboards, you may leave them as they are.
  2. The last difference is that Legacy KPI data will immediately populate the “Strategic” dashboard, unlike what happens for custom and Out-of-the-Box playbooks, which will release the information every 30 days.